Act 20

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Y/N hums softly to herself as she makes her way home, a pained yelp leaving her lips when she's suddenly slammed to the ground, struggling against the man on top of her. She bares her fangs and sinks them into the man's arm, kicking him off when he's distracted by the pain. She scrambles back to her feet, getting in a fighting stance as she waits for the man to get back up.

"Come at me asshole!" She snarls, crying out when she's suddenly grabbed from behind.

She slams her head back and grins when she hears a satisfying crunch, spinning around and slamming her foot into his stomach. She whirls on her heel and punches the first man when he tries to get up, panting softly as she grabs her purse and pulls out a knife.

"Who are you? What do you want?!" She snarls, slamming the first man to the ground and holding him down by his neck with her foot.

"Just after a quick fuck," He spits, filling Y/N with anger.

She pulls her foot off and slams it down into his stomach, the man gasping and curling in on himself, the second man still down for the count, holding his nose.

"That'll teach you to mess with any of us. If I see you anywhere near here again I won't hesitate to murder both of you," Y/N snarls at them. "I suggest you run along before I get really mad."

"Crazy bitch!" The two yell before limping off to nurse their wounds.

Y/N straightens her clothes and grabs her purse before exiting the alleyway, practically jumping out of her skin when a loud honk sounds beside her.

"Slender!" She snaps, sighing softly as she climbs inside. "You two scared the shit out of me!"

"Sorry, sorry. I thought you'd be heading home so I wanted to give you a ride," Slender explains.

"You don't have to do that. I'm capable of getting home myself," Y/N tells him.

"Just let him have this one Miss Y/N," Leo calls from up front.

"Leo! Shush!" Slender orders, rolling up the privacy window.

"I take it you ran into some jerks?" Slender asks, catching Y/N by surprise. "Your dress is a bit torn and dirty in the back."

"Yeah, a couple of assholes looking for a quick fuck. I chased them off though. Shouldn't come back unless they have a death wish," Y/N explains.

"I guess I shouldn't worry then," Slender sighs softly.

"'s okay! means a lot that you're worried for me," Y/N admits as she adverts her eyes from Slender.

"Then I shall continue picking you up after work. I'm usually awake and working, well most of the time, anyway and I have the time to pick you up!" Slender assures her. "You don't mind do you?"

"Not at all," Y/N assures him with a smile. "Do you.....wanna stay the night?"

"Sure, don't mind if I do," Slender tells her. "Mind if I sleep in my skivvies?"

"Pft, what are you? A pirate?" Y/N laughs in amusement.

"I was one at one point in my life," Slender tells her, his mouth tearing open in a grin.

"Really? I encountered a few pirates but never actually tried out the life style. A lot of our riches came from boats so it was important that they were well equipped against pirates," Y/N explains. "I may have been spoiled but I knew my politics and the needs of my people."

"You seem educated enough," Slender assures her.

"It's finally fall," Y/N sighs as she rests in her seat.

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