Act 17

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"Y/N, there's someone that wants to see you," Offender calls, motioning her back to the front of the strip club.

"Who?" She asks curiously, freezing with wide eyes when she sees who was waiting.

"Hello pretty lady. Happy to see you alive and well," Damien grins. "How's my favorite lady?"

"I'm fine. What brings you here?" She asks him, sliding closer to Offender.

"I'm in the mood for a private showing. You've been in the media so much I had to find out what was going on," Damien laughs. "You've been frolicking with the one and only Slenderman? How naughty of you."

"I can enjoy my time with who I want," Y/N growls back.

"No, sweetie. You can't. Not when you're the top girl in this city. No one wants to see you with someone. It's bad for your image. Do I need to remind you what exactly you are?" Damien questions, stepping closer to the vampire.

"N-No, of course not," Y/N falters as she takes a step back.

"Come here, don't be afraid," Damien chuckles, morphing into his demonic form.

Y/N stumbles on her feet and falls on her ass with a racing heart as a large wolf forms before her. The giant beast bares its fangs and lets go of a loud howl that seems to rock the building, Damien stepping closer to Y/N until he's backed her into a corner.

"Come with me darling. Before I get really mad," He growls out to her. "You're still indebted to me. Don't forget that," He snarls out.

"Of course. Offender, I'll see you tomorrow," Y/N huffs softly, easing past the wolf and outside, Offender flashing an apologetic smile.

It was her own fault, she knew this, but that didn't make his visits all the better. When she was a prostitute she got really addicted to a few drugs and when she couldn't pay with money, she paid with her body. She happened to get into serious debt with the boss of the drug ring of the city. He decided he liked her body and she could use it to pay him off, the downside, he still wanted her body and she wasn't in a place to say no. As much as she hoped for Offender's help it was up to her to repay her debts. She slides into the car waiting outside, sighing softly as she slumps in her seat.

"That wasn't so hard, now was it?" He purrs, climbing into the limo back in his humanoid form.

"It is because it's with you," Y/N grumbles, staring out the window as the car lurches forward.

"We've been over this. You cost us so much money I had to get involved. I couldn't very well let every one of my gang members have their way with you could I? I saved you a worse punishment now didn't I?" He coos gently. "Now, Let's get to work shall we?"

Y/N clicks her tongue in frustration and crawls over to Damien's lap, giving him a few blowjobs on their way to his home before they head inside. She spends the night letting him use her body to his liking, resting in his bed as he snores away beside her. She grabS his pack of smokes and lights up a cigarette, blowing out the smoke with a heavy sigh. Why was she feeling so guilty? She wasn't with him and yet her heart ached like this? Ugh, what was she thinking?! He wouldn't ever be interested in her! Sex, that's what she was good for in his eyes.

She was a slut, a whore, a prostitute in her whole life and he knew it! She thought maybe he'd see her differently but why would he?! She wasn't good enough for that. She slept around, hell she still had to sell her body for a stupid debt from years ago, and she undressed for money! What man in their right mind would possibly feel something close to love for her?! She sighs heavily as she slumps back in the bed, staring up at the ceiling with a heavy groan. Why must she have these feelings? Life was so much easier before this!

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