Act 16

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"And five, six, seven, eight," Ashley calls, clapping her hands to the rhythm. "Come on Y/N! You gotta keep going!"

"If I was any other creatures they'd be passed out long before now," Y/N pants as she twirls and spins.

"You asked me to be your personal instructor and I am! We have to keep it up with unique dance moves in order to satisfy all your customers! It can't be the same dance over and over again," Ashley reminds her. "Now up!"

"I'm regretting it," Y/N half sings as she raises on her toes and twirls.

"Very good. Now, let's move on to the tango. I'll go easy on you this time just because the student is new," Ashley hums. "Come on in. We're ready for you."

"Hi there!" Y/N smiles, giving the monster a wave.

"W-Wait! I'm dancing w-with you?!" He cries in surprise. "No freaking way! I love your work!"

"Thank you. It's what keeps us in business," Y/N jokes, smiling at his nervous laughter.

"I don't have to pay extra for this do I?" He asks curiously.

"Of course not. She's a student, just like everyone else who comes here. Make sure you see her as such," Ashley assures him.

"So cool!" He gasps in excitement.

Ashley teaches them to tango, the monster doing his best to follow Ashley's lead and not step on Y/N's toes. As he becomes more relaxed he easily leads Y/N in a dance, panting softly and beaming with excitement at the end of the lesson.

"That was amazing! I can't wait to show this off to my fiancé. She's going to be so surprised!" The monster grins in excitement. "You inspired her to be a model."

"Really?" Y/N asks, taking a swig of her water.

"Yes, she saw your work and wanted to pursue her dreams too. I took her to one of your shows and she loved your confidence. I've done everything I can to support her but the easy way you did everything made her want to try too and she loves it," The monster explains. "She was nervous because she's human."

"I'm happy to hear that she followed her dream!" Y/N smiles. "I certainly hope she continues to pursue her passion."

"Can I get a picture? She'll never believe me if I don't," He grins in excitement.

"Sure!" Y/N laughs, the two taking a selfie before he heads out.

"Popular as always," Ashley teases. "Help me clean up before my next class?"

"Sure thing!" Y/N smiles, getting the mop from the supply closet.

"Any plans for your day after this?" Ashley asks as she wipes down her counters and whatnot.

"I've got a lunch date after this," Y/N tells her with flushed cheeks.

"Oh? Who's the lucky man?" She giggles.

"The one and only Slenderman," Y/N admits.

"What?! Seriously?!" Ashley cries in surprise.

"Yes. We've been doing lunch for the past few weeks," Y/N explains with a smile. "He's making things up to me."

"He must be doing a pretty good job them. Well, don't let me keep you. Go enjoy your date!" Ashley smiles.

"It's not a date!" Y/N scolds her, grabbing her bag and heading out.

She returns home for a quick shower before Slender was supposed to pick her up, doing her make-up and slipping on jeans and a nice shirt. Once she's satisfied she heads downstairs. She bids farewell to Oscar before climbing inside Slender's limo, a bright smile on her lips.

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