Act 26

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Y/N sighs as she stares out the plane window, the ocean below her. She was on a private jet home by herself and she had a lot on her mind. She wished she could go back and rule, but this is better for everyone. She had a life. One she loved with people who loved her back! She steps off the plane when it finally arrives, walking through the gate and into the airport. She yelps when she's suddenly crushed in a hug, she familiar ringing of bells reaching her ears.

"Splendor!" She laughs as she hugs him back. "It's been so long! How has life been?!"

"Marvelous as always!" He grins happily. "We have so many places for kids now they have almost as much to do as adults! The skate park has been a huge hit but I get so anxious watching them!"

"You can't learn if you don't fail," Y/N tells him with a laugh. "They'll be alright."

"Miss Y/N, a pleasure," Trender says with a bow.

"Hi Trender! Loved the queen clothes you made me! I can't wait for you to establish a shop there!" She smiles.

"With your support I'll have all of Russia wearing fashionable clothes as always," Trender chuckles.

"There's my drug addict! How was rehab?!" Offender grins.

"Offender! You're gonna start rumors!" She laughs, giving him a playful punch in the shoulder. "How's the club?"

"We need you back so bad. Moral has dipped in your absence," Offender huffs. "You hungry?"

"Actually, I'm starving," Y/N smiles, looking behind the brothers with hopeful eyes.

"I hope it's me you're looking for," Slender's voice reaches her and she's never moved so fast in her life.

Slender laughs when Y/N turns at the sound of his voice, handing her the bouquet of her favorite flowers before pulling her into a hug. "Welcome home your majesty."

"Please tell me you kept the crown?!" Offender pleads.

"Are you here for me or my stuff?!" Y/N huffs at the four.

"Yes," They all say together, earning an eye roll from Y/N.

"Come on," She complains, grabbing her bags and making her way out of the airport.

Slender helps her load her bags into the limo before the five of them settle inside, Y/N and Offender popping open a bottle of demon alcohol.

"Celebrating without me?" How rude," Lucifer says as he suddenly appears beside Y/N. "I must say, you led with excellence. Are you sure it's Slender you want?"

"As much as I'd love to get to know the ruler of hell I have my desires taken care of already," Y/N smiles, accepting Slender's hand when he offers it.

"A pity really," Lucifer sighs, pouring himself a drink.

"Why are you even here?" Slender questions the demon lord.

"Bored. Knew she would be home today and of course it would be the four losers picking her up," Lucifer smirks, downing his drink in one swallow.

"And you make five. I should really get cooler friends," Y/N hums, earning laughter from the men.

"What's the meal plan?" Lucifer asks with a laugh.

"Somewhere with a bar. I'm gonna out drink all of you," Offender grins.

"You're on sex man," Y/N laughs.

"Oh? This should be fun. Although, we should have a designated person," Lucifer points out, everyone looking at Splendor who was currently devouring a bag of candy.

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