chapter 9

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Atticus swum towards an area where there were boulders and rocks and began to exercise, he would like to go and play, but that was going to be for another time for right now, he was going to exercise even in his merboy form. There was the younger Forte from before, but he was with a boy who looked around the age of a toddler and had a patch of raven hair and had sky blue eyes. Neither of them noticed the merpeople who were in the ocean. Jessica, Darla, and Ariel's sisters played with Atticus until it would get too late. Boulders were now being placed onto Atticus's back while he did push-up and handstand at the same time.

"Wow, Atticus sure is strong." Adella said while admiring her male cousin.

"I never knew anyone so strong before..." Aquata was impressed.

"Not like Daddy or Grandpa Neptune." Arista nodded in agreement.

They were now surprised as Atticus let the boulders crush him only for all of the boulders to be lifted up by one hand.

"Was he always that strong?" Alana asked.

"I didn't know he was that strong honestly." Jessica shrugged.

"I've been exercising every single day, of course, I limit myself with when I go and play and when I go and exercise." Atticus said while holding the boulders with his right hand, without struggling or having any trouble keeping it up.

The mermaid girls smiled.

"I didn't know that." Darla said.

"I'm almost always at the gym, exercising." Atticus explained.

The kids had fun all the way until the sun was setting which made the land people go off to their homes before it got too late and time for young merboys and mergirls to get some sleep.

"Looks like it's time to head inside." Atticus said before he throws the boulders, not knowing they would be thrown out and across the OCEAN.

"Come on then." Jessica stated.

"Come on, I'll lead the way." Attina offered to for her younger sisters and cousins.

The boulder splashed back into the ocean and hits someone's head while he was sleeping, it was the Evil Manta. 

There was grumbling heard and piercing red eyes were waking up in sheer anger. "Alright, who did that?" he demanded.

Jessica held Darla CLOSE. The mermaid sisters stopped as they saw Manta had been awaken.

"You can't hurt us, our ancestor Poseidon will protect us!" Adrianna glared at him. 

"Poseidon?" Manta taunted with a laugh. "He got mad all over a prized Pegasus taken from Odysseus!" He was now tossing the boulder up and down on his one hand, but, of course, to him it seemed like just a rock in his hand. Manta glared down at Atticus. "You have woken me!" he pointed sharply to the new merboy. 

"Hey, leave my brother alone!" Darla got defensive.

"Who's this, your little souffle bodyguard?" Manta taunted the way how Darla was cutsey and pudgy.

'Uh-oh, that's the same boulder I threw out of the ocean.' Atticus thought.

Manta grabbed Atticus and dangled him. "I should smite you for this!"

"Leave us alone! Listen, I'm sorry I woke you up, I didn't even know the boulder was going to be heading towards you." Atticus apologized.

"Well now you know..." Manta grinned darkly. "Maybe old Ursula could take care of you for me!" 

The mermaid sisters begged and pleaded for him to let Atticus go and cause no more TROUBLE.

"Please, sir, please let my brother go, please," Jessica begged him. "I promise that he won't cause you anymore TROUBLE."

"NO MERCY!" Manta boomed, his voice nearly SHAKING the sea.

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