chapter 11

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Darla was enjoying her swimming ability more than Atticus, Jessica, Emily, or Patrick, mostly because she never knew how to SWIM TO BEGIN with. 

"Darla, stop that, we have to go to bed now." Jessica told her adoptive sister.

"Oh, just a little bit longer..." Darla did a backstroke above the bed she was ASSIGNED to, but swam back against Emily.

"You heard your sister, Darla, it's bedtime..." Emily caught Darla, going to send her to sleep like everyone else.

"YOUR MOTHER is right." Patrick said.

"Aww..." Darla whined.

"You'll thank me later," Emily giggled, tucking Darla in, taking the hair bow out like the girl did every night before going to bed. "Just think, we'll have loads of fun tomorrow..." she then sounded sad, knowing what would happen, and found herself about to cry again.

"Mom, it'll be alright..." Jessica soothed. "We're all here for you."

"I know... But why is fate so cruel...?" Emily couldn't help herself.

"Sometimes fate can be a cruel thing." Atticus said.

Emily sniffled a little as Patrick held her.

"It'll be alright, Emily..." Patrick soothed. "I promise..." 

Emily managed to calm herself down and got some sleep like everyone else. Everyone was now fast asleep. Even though she was struggling because of what would eventually happen to Athena, Emily slept fine. She just hoped everyone would have fun and this wouldn't ruin her mood at the celebration tomorrow morning. Tomorrow was going to be a day no one would forget.

The next day, Triton and Athena invited any merfolk and sea creatures who wanted to come meet Ariel to come over, but after the family would spend some of the day together on land, at this time, Triton didn't seem to mind land culture, just so they wouldn't be caught or hunted. He had a SPECIAL GIFT for his Queen too while the girls would play with Atticus, Jessica, and Darla. And where it would be something that would show her exactly how much he loved her. 

The other merpeople just spent today like it was the best of their lives as Triton gave Athena a shell charm with music inside of it. Not just any music, it was their song. Triton smiled as he stroked his true love's face and she smiled, looking back to him with her lime-green eyes, feeling to be the happiest mermaid to live. And where this was a lovely moment they had together with everyone including Emily, Patrick, Atticus, Jessica, and Darla.

It was a magical day for all. Merpeople played their instruments, exposing their gift of song to the world. Emily and Patrick were joining in with the music, playing songs they never knew they could play. The seven sisters came from behind the rocks to 'spy' on their parents. Atticus, Jessica, and Darla joined them. The kids giggled a bit as Triton was about to share a kiss with his Queen. Triton noticed them, then told Athena to keep quiet, then he dove into the water for a swim and decided TO PLAY with the girls. The girls all went down with Jessica, Atticus, and Darla, except for Adella, who was pulled back with them to hide behind the rock with their giggles. 

Triton then came behind them and carried all of his daughters on his arms, except for Arista, who was on his head, but they all laughed at the little surprise. Athena laughed, enjoying seeing her loving family at play. The girls giggled once they all landed back into the ocean and Triton took a ride with them on his back. Atticus, Jessica and Darla joined in by swimming around and each playing an instrument.

"Atticus, you remind me of a younger Peter Pan." Athena smiled down to her nephew. 

"You knew Peter Pan?" Darla asked.

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