chapter 12

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It didn't take too long until the girls would start growing and Ariel would BE ABLE TO speak like her sisters and other creatures in the sea. And where Atticus, Jessica, and Darla and their parents would soon have to try to endure Marina and Manta. Marina and Evil Manta came to meet Atticus, Jessica, Darla, Patrick, and Emily.

"So, Athena was your sister?" Marina asked the adult FEMALE.

"Yes..." Emily sighed. "We were really CLOSE in Mermaid Lagoon before I decided to start a new life for myself outside of Never Land..."

"I'm sooo sorry about your loss," Marina told her with sadness, but it looked as though she smiled when she said that. "Manty and I will take care of everything, you won't have to worry."

Darla WRINKLED her nose at Marina, already sensing something bad in her. Atticus already didn't like her he could sense that she was evil as Manta. Triton allowed Evil Manta and Marina into his HOME. The girls woke up a little early and spied on the new residents in their home.

"This isn't fair!" Arista growled. "They just wanna take over Atlantica, I know it!"

"They might help us, you don't know..." Alana spoke up.

"No way they would, you saw what he almost did to Atticus!" Adrianna folded her arms, glaring with a huff.

"Come on, girls, try to give them a chance, besides he promised no tricks." Attina told them.

"Whatever, I still don't trust anyone named 'Evil' Manta..." Arista scoffed.

Ariel wasn't sure who to side with, but since Attina was the oldest, she came CLOSER to that sister and smiled.

"I think only Ariel believes you, Attina." Adella pointed out.

"Ariel's a baby, she'll follow anyone," Aquata scoffed. "I know Adrianna did." 

Adrianna glanced to her for that, giving a dirty look.

"What? You did." Aquata said to Adrianna.

"You all follow each other," Attina said to her sisters. "Alana followed me after she was born, then Adella followed her, Aquata followed Arista... Arista followed Aquata, then Adrianna followed Aquata, and now Ariel follows Adrianna... It's the Circle of Siblings, if we had another little sister, she'd follow Ariel. Ariel just knows who's boss around here."

"Oh, and that's you?" Arista came over.

Jessica came to her cousins. "Will you girls stop fighting? It's not making this situation any better!"

"Jessica's right." Darla said.

"I just don't like the idea of sharing my home with Evil Manta and that crazy merlady..." Attina glared as she glanced to Marina.

"You and me both, cuz." Atticus said.

The girls went back to bed to catch up on sleep a little while longer.

Marina peeked into the room and went to wake up the girls. It was earlier than they had to though and she removed Aquata's pillow. "Rise and shine!"

"Why so early?" Aquata moaned as she clutched her Mr. Fuzzfinkle doll.

"But it's still dark out!" Arista cried as she still had her seaweed sleep mask on.

"Yeah, we're not usually woken up while it's still dark out." Adella said.

Benjamind removed Arista's mask to show her that it wasn't dark as she thought it was. "Wakey-Wakey!"

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