Chapter 7

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        I smiled innocently as I heard Cole groan. I knew he hated pop music but I didn’t care. I like to listen to it anyway. Mainly to annoy him though.

“Ugh, can I please change the station now? If I have to listen to ‘All about that Bass’ one more time this car is going in a ditch.” He sighed. I just rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at him.

“You know, you’re not that cute.” He gave me a side glare as I pouted and batted my eyelashes jokingly at him. This time he was the one to roll his eyes. “Fine, you’re cute, but I’m still changing the station.”

Cole quickly changed the station before I could stop him and smirked. I gave him a fake glare, but secretly, I was happy. As soon as he changed the station he started singing along to the song that was currently playing, which was ‘Would you still Be There’ by Of Mice and Men. Hearing Cole sing always made me happy. His voice was so pretty.

“Dislocated, I lie awake. Suffocating in my mistakes. I lost my halo when I fell from grace…” The words came out clearly in his beautiful, deep voice. I listened to him sing for the rest of ride to the mall, slightly nodding off at points.

I awoke to a pair of hands lightly shaking me and opened my eyes. After blinking a couple times to let my vision adjust, I realized that the pair of hands belonged to Cole. I smiled and rubbed my eyes. “Hello there sleeping beauty.”

I yawned and waved back, carefully climbing out of the tall truck, with Cole’s help of course. I can barely get in and out when I’m perfectly energized, let alone when I’m first awoken, and from a particularly good nap I might add.

“Come on. I want to stop at the food court first. I’m really hungry.” He lead me to the mall’s entrance by my hand, almost dragging me with excitement. I slapped his hand lightly, trying to get him to slow down so I could catch up. He just groaned and bent his knees slightly so I could get on his back, which I gladly did with a silent giggle.

“God, you eat so much but weigh nothing. How does that even work?” Cole made his way towards the mall’s entrance while I smiled wider and nuzzled my face into his neck, giving a small shrug to his question. He let a small laugh and set me down as he reached the entrance doors, holding one open for me like a little gentleman. I poked his nose as a sign of thanks and walked in, squealing slightly as I felt him lightly pinch my butt. I turned to glare at him but he was just cracking up. Letting out a soft sigh, I just smiled at his dorkiness. Man he can be so cute sometimes.


“So my silent compadre, where would you like to head to first after we eat?” Cole and I were currently sitting in the food court, eating a huge order of orange chicken. I thought about his question before smiling innocently and pointing to a store on the mall map. I giggled at his groan. “Really… That store?”

I nodded happily as I finished off my chicken. He just sighed at me and faced palmed while giving a small nod. I smiled and stabbed a piece of his chicken. Right as he was about to protest me taking his food, I shoved the piece in his mouth. He let out another sigh with a smile while eating.

“You’re a little shit you know that?” I gave a slight nod and swung my feet, knowing that he uses ‘little shit’ as a term of endearment. “Alright my adorable weirdo, lets go before I change my mind.”

I giggled and nodded while standing up, ready to go. Build-A-Bear here I come!

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