Chapter 8

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As I let Lucas drag me to Build-A-Bear, I dreaded what awaited me. There’s usually so many kids there. The things I do for this boy…

I felt my sleeved being tugged on and I looked up to see Lucas silently squealing at the store’s entrance. I shook my head and face-palmed. He just rolled his eyes and ran inside, me following behind him reluctantly.

“Okay… Hurry up. I think I’m going to puke glitter and stuffing if I stay in here too long.” Lucas gave me a ‘Does it look like I care?’ face and ran off to the different selection of skins to pick from. I just sighed and started to follow him around, incase I needed to explain anything to the workers for him. I laughed a bit as he picked up several different skins, looking for one to use. He let out a soft whine when he couldn’t decide between two of them.

“Here, let me see.” I looked between the two skins, which were a ‘My Little Pony’ Rainbow Dash one, or a rainbow bear skin. I handed him the Rainbow Dash one. If he was going to get that one, I’d rather be here with him to stop any teasing that some of the people around here could give him.

Lucas smiled and gave a slight nod, running off to the first station to start the process. I followed him through the store. He didn’t stop bouncing the entire time his toy was being filled. He watched the worker intently, only looking at me when he needed me to answer a question for him.

The entire experience was loud and rather bothersome, however, there was one moment that I found adorable. When it came time to kiss the little heart they put inside the doll, Lucas handed it to me to kiss after he did. I gave it a small kiss before handing it back to him, a light blush dusting my cheeks. The worker eyed us a bit, with a slight smirk on her face. I just shrugged it off and followed him through the rest of the stations. I sighed as he spent about ten minutes trying to decide if he wanted to buy something for it to wear or not, which he ended up deciding against.

“Okay, are you ready to leave now? We still got our parents to buy for and I need to get something for my little niece.” Lucas gave a slight nod and led me up to the pay station. He handed me his money and the doll so that I could pay for him. It always made him self-conscious when he paid so I tended to pay for him.

“So, will this be all for you cutey?” The store clerk looked at me with a slightly flirtatious smile. I just let off an awkward laugh and nodded.

“Yeah that’ll be it.” I handed her the money. I noticed Lucas getting a bit irritated next to me.

“Is this for a little sister or something?” She handed me the doll and leaned forward a bit, puffing her chest our “discreetly”.

Just then, Lucas clung to my arm, glaring at the girl a bit. I laughed a bit and ruffled his hair. “No, it’s for this cutey right here.”

He let out a small giggle and gave the girl a smirk before grabbing the doll and dragging me out of the store. I just rolled my eyes and smiled. When we got outside, he gave a small huff in the direction of the clerk.

“Hey now… She was just acting as any normal human being would. I can handle come ons my self.” I poked his nose which he scrunched up before letting out a soft sigh. I couldn’t really read his expression, which was odd, because I know his faces so well. I pouted a bit. “What’s wrong? You seem upset.”

Lucas’s face blushed slightly when he realized I had caught his expression. He gave a ‘not-so-convincing’ smile to tell me he was okay. I gave him a hug anyway.

“Come here, I don’t like seeing you upset.” He hesitated only a second before hugging me back. When I pulled away he had a bigger, more convincing, smile on his face. “Let’s go to Justice now. My niece loves their headbands for some odd reason.”

He gave a slight giggle and grabbed the Rainbow Dash doll out of my hands before hugging it and heading to Justice, me trailing close behind him. God he’s so damn adorable.

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