Chapter 12

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 "Alright class. You have exactly 90 minutes to finish your exams. When you've completed them, return them to my desk and go back to your seat quietly. You may listen to music or read when you're done, but nothing else." The teacher had just finished passing out the six page long packet.

 Our english final is beginning and honestly I'm stressed. Especially since I've been thinking about Lucas lately. I've been worried about him since that nightmare he had a few days ago. He looked more scared than he usually does. I sighed to myself.

 The teacher interrupted my train of thoughts. "You may begin... Now."

 Sighing again, I started flipping through the packet. Our final was a simple writing prompt. Or simple to me at least. I started reading through the writing prompt, hoping it wouldn't be some cliche topic. 'What makes a friend a "Best Friend"?'. I smiled a bit to myself. This was the topic? Easy!

 I thought for only a minute on how I was going to set up the writing and immediately dived into my writing.

 As I was putting the finishing touches on my writing I heard the teacher announce, "Times up!"

 I walked up to the front of the room and I glanced at some of the other kids packets. Most of them had one packet to a stack, maybe two, but then I looked at my hands. I had three whole packets and I nearly went on to a fourth. I handed the teacher my packet, who glanced at the title, and walked towards the exit.

 "Rather impressive Cole. Whoever this Lucas boy is must be very special to you." I gave her a slight nod.

 "He... He really is." I smiled a bit before hurrying out the door, hoping to hide the faint blush that was forming on my cheeks. Suddenly I felt someone jumping on my back. I gave a small laugh and supported my little blue haired friend.

 "Well hello there my petite friend." I set him down and ruffled his hair. He giggled and poked my cheek. I gave him a small smile, watching him giggle and skip down the hallway, dragging me behind. We had art this period and he was way to excited. We had already passed in our art finals so we had almost two hours to just sit and doodle and talk.

 When we got in there the teacher already had different art stations set up for us for free draw. I looked over to Lucas who was staring at all the different stations, wondering which one he should go to. I thought for a minute before turning to him.

 "Wanna go to the charcoal station?" I gestured to the station with a slight jerk of my head. He gave me a big nod and smiled, dragging me over to it. We sat down at the nearly vacant table, seeing how not many people liked using charcoal, and pulled out some paper a fairly new set of charcoal. I grabbed out my pencil and begun sketching out a small road. I didn't have anything in particular in mind; I was just doing what came to mind.

 I looked over to Lucas, who had a serious expression on his face. Yet, while his face was determined, his eyes held so many other emotions. It was amazing yet somewhat upsetting. Deep in his eyes there was a small shimmer of sadness to them. Normally I would press him about it, but I figured I'd just let him draw his feelings. His pictures tell incredible stories. How I wish I could hear his lips tell a couple of them...

 Clearing my mind I went back to drawing, making a delicate outline of a lone person, holding an umbrella while soft droplets of rain surrounded them. My hand overtook my mind as I began to fill in the rest, adding delicate charcoal touches here and there, and a small flourish of red to contrast.

 As I was completing the drawing I noticed the bell was about to ring. I put everything up and wiped my hands off. This class seemed to fly by.

 When I walked back to the station to tell Lucas class was about over, I noticed a steady flow of tears falling down his cheeks as he added the finishing touches to his charcoal drawing, which so happened to be a crying eye. I bit my lip a bit and sat next to him as he set his finished drawing down. I pulled him close to my chest and played with his hair. He tensed up for a second before completely collapsing into my arms, finally seeming to break from the facade he's been attempting to put up.

Heh... Sorry guys. I was busy with finals and completely forgot about updating this. Also, after school was out, I didn't have the laptop I wrote this on cause it was the school's so.... Oops! Anyway I accessed my Google Docs and here's the next part, Enjoy! :3

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