Chapter 14

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We walked into Lucas's house and were greeted by the scent of cinnamon throughout the house. "Cole! Lucas! How are you boys?"

Lucas's dad came walking out, drying his hands on a blue and white striped rag. "Good sir. I came here to help you guys decorate for Christmas."

Lucas smiled up at me and nodded at his dad. "Perfect! Sheila's coming over too. Is that alright Lucas?" His dad glanced to Lucas, as if to check for any signs of doubt. Although, instead of doubt, all he got was excitement and an enthusiastic head nod. "Oh good."

I smiled a bit and ruffled Lucas's hair. "I'm gonna go set my stuff down then I'll help your dad get stuff down from the attic." Lucas giggled and nodded then trailed behind me.

When we got back to his room and set our bags down, I pulled him into a big hug. He tensed up for a second, not expecting the hug, then relaxed and hugged me back tightly. He nuzzled into my chest and sighed softly. I pet his hair a bit before pulling away.

"Are you okay now? You were so upset earlier." He gave me a small nod and smiled softly at me. I let out a relieved sigh and smiled. "Good, now, let's go put up that Christmas tree."

A couple hours later we were sitting on the couch in the living room, cuddled up with hot chocolate and watching 'A Christmas Vacation'. Lucas's dad was in the kitchen, putting in the last batch of sugar cookies and talking with his girlfriend. You could hear their laughter echo through the house.

"You know, your dad and Sheila are a cute couple." I poked Lucas's nose and he scrunched it up before nodding at me in response. I smiled softly and ruffled his hair. He cuddled closer to me, careful not to spill his hot chocolate. He took another sip and watched the movie, his head resting on my side. I played with his hair a bit.

"Boys! The last batch is ready. Come get some!" Lucas smiled wide and quickly rushed to the kitchen after setting his hot chocolate down. I laughed and followed him.

"Lucas I swear you're secretly pregnant by the way that you eat." His dad and Sheila laughed at that while Lucas stuck his tongue out at me. I stole the cookie he had in his hand and took a bite of it before handing it back to him. He gave me a small huff while I grinned cheekily.

"You two are adorable." Sheila smiled and ruffled mine and Lucas's hair. I laughed awkwardly and smiled.

"Thank you." Lucas nodded his thanks to Sheila and grabbed a small plate of cookies made up for us to take into the living room. I smiled a bit and followed as he walked back to the couch and settled in carefully, making sure not to spill the plate of cookies.

"So, Lukey, have you thought about what you would like for Christmas?" I wiggled my eyebrows at him and smiled, causing him to laugh a bit and hit my arm. He poked my nose and shook his head, almost in a, 'What am I going to do with you?' look. "No, but seriously, what would you like? Or, even guidelines."

He just shook his head again in a dismissive way. I sighed and poked his nose. "So very stubborn."

Lucas simply rolled his eyes at me and grabbed the nearest piece of paper, scribbling something down on it. "I just want to spend time with you guys stupid." I smiled and flicked his nose.

"You're such a little sap Lukey." I cooed softly to him. He responded to this with a pout and shoving a cookie in my face, causing me to laugh.

"Lucas, Cole, it's getting a bit late. I think you two should get heading to bed soon." Lucas's dad came over and ruffled his hair, causing him to blush and nod slightly. Lucas stood and tugged me up, hugging his dad and waving a good night/bye to Sheila. I said my goodnights to them and started heading towards the back of the house, Lucas trailing behind me. As we headed towards his room something hit me in the face. I blinked a bit and looked up, gawking at the item in shock. I looked back at Lucas who was blushing deeply with embarrassment. It had to be mistletoe...

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