Chapter 16

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God what did I just do? Did I seriously just do that?! Okay Cole, stay calm, act normal. I winked at him and went back to eating my cinnamon, trying to ignore the blush pulling at my cheeks. Lucas awkwardly went back to eating his cinnamon roll as well. For once the silence between us was uncomfortable, unlike every other time. Suddenly my phone started going off from the counter. I wiped off my hands and answered the phone, slightly happy for the distraction.

"Hello?" I listened for a minute as my mom spoke. "Huh... Yeah, okay... Alright, be there soon... love you too, bye."

I flipped my phone shut and turned to Lucas. "Hey Lukey, my mom needs me to come home. She needs help getting the baking done."

He gave me a small nod and shoved the rest of his breakfast in his mouth before wiping his hands clean and hopping off the counter. I headed up towards his room, him trailing behind me and lightly holding my wrist. I slipped my hand into his and tugged him into his room so I could change.

When we got in there, Lucas sat on his bed and started playing with the strings on his sweatshirt. I slipped on my jeans and jacket before sitting over beside him. He gave me a big hug and buried his face in my neck. I smiled a bit and hugged him back.

"Goodbye bud, I'll see ya soon, and you guys best be coming over for Christmas." I played with his hair. He giggled and nodded, pulling away and smiling at me. I smiled back and kissed the top of his head. "Good, bye Lukey."

I stood and ruffled his bed head as he waved bye to me. I headed out the door and to my car, leaning my head against it and groaning. "He's so damn cute, it's not fair." I mumbled this to myself before getting in the car and starting it.

I turned the radio up and turned on the heater as I drove away, trying to calm down from the events of the last few days. I really wanted nothing more than to just lay down and sleep, but I have to do chores first, seeing how Christmas is only a few days away.

When I pulled up to my house and parked I looked out the window to see little specks of white falling. Snow? Already? I stepped out of the car and smiled a bit as I felt some flakes fall onto my face. I hurried inside, smiling and laughing like a little kid. "Mom! It's snowing!"

My mom came out of the kitchen, her eyes wide with surprise. "Really? But it's not supposed to snow for another week."

She looked outside and smiled to herself. I went over to her and hugged her. Snow always made me happy. She let out a little laugh and hugged back before pulling away and giving me a kiss on the cheek. I smiled and ran my fingers through my hair, the euphoria starting to wear off a bit.

"What do you need help with first?" I turned to her and leaned against the wall, my foot pressed against it for extra support. She looked at my foot then up at me. I sighed and removed my foot from the wall and stood up straight. My mom gave me a little smirk.

"I need your help with baking. We're making a bunch of cookies. Also, I wanted to make a special batch for Lucas, his dad, and his dad's girlfriend Sheila." I nodded a bit, swallowing back a blush at Lucas's name.

"What kind are we making? Cause I made sugar cookies with him last night." I turned to her.

"We're going to make him my famous chocolate and almond cookies." She smiled proudly and tugged me into the kitchen. Laughing, I followed her and tied a basic black apron around my neck and waist. My mom gathered the ingredients, handed me a spoon, and we got to work.

A few hours later we had several batches of cookies made, sprawled out across the counters to cool. I was drying my hands off when I heard my mom at the door, talking to someone.

"Cole, Lucas is here!" I smiled a bit and ran to him, forgetting to take off my flour covered apron, and hugged him tight. He let out a small giggle and hugged back, nuzzling into my shoulder.

I pulled away from the hug and looked at him. "What are you doing here?" In response, he pulled out my cell phone out of his pocket and raised his eyebrow at me. I laughed awkwardly and grabbed it out of his hands. "Oh, thank you."

He smiled a bit and nodded as my mom came around the corner once again. "Thanks Lukey boy." She gave his cheek a small kiss and hugged him. "Would you like to stay? Cole is done for the day."

He gave her an apologetic smile and shook his head, letting her know that he couldn't. I pouted a bit but hugged him anyway. "Oh okay, well we'll see you around then kiddo."

I started to pull away from the hug but he instead pulled me in for a tighter hug. Blinking a bit, I hugged back again. I played with his hair softly. "You okay?"

Lucas looked up at me and nodded a bit, a tired smile on his face. I shrugged my jacket off and wrapped it around his shoulders. "Keep that, go home, and get some rest. We'll hang out tomorrow, okay?"

He looked up at me and nodded slightly. I smiled and ruffled his hair before sending him out to his car with a pat on his back. As he climbed into his car he snuggled into the jacket and drove off. I had a small smile on my lips as he drove away.

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