Chapter 17

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I woke up with a slight yawn and rubbed my eyes. After blindly grabbing around for my phone for a minute, I picked it up and opened the text I had from Cole.

'Cole Cat: Merry Christmas Lukey!!'

I smiled a bit at his text. How sweet... I rubbed my eyes and sat up. Then I realized, my tired fog dissipating, it's Christmas! I scramble for my phone again to text him back.

'You: Merry Christmas Cole! >~<'

A few minutes later I hear my phone ding and I see a response from Cole.

'Cole Cat: Hey you're up! I can't wait for you to come over! Mom's been baking since like 6 in the morning...'

'You: Aw sweet! I love your mom's cooking'

'Cole Cat: Heh, you're adorable, anyway gtg, text ya later! ;)'

I smiled a bit and burrowed into the blankets, cuddling my Rainbow Dash doll. I can't wait to go over to Cole's house. His mom's cooking, presents, hot chocolate... All perfect.

"Lucas! Come down here!" My dad's calls perked me back up and I darted downstairs. When I got down there I gave my dad a huge hug. "Merry Christmas son!"

I smiled up at him and nodded at him to tell him 'Merry Christmas' as well. I looked over at the table and saw a plate with chocolate chip pancakes with whipped cream on them. Smiling wide I hugged him and sat down, gulping down the food quickly.

"We're going to Cole's and his mom's in an hour, so when you're finished eating get dressed. I wanna leave early to pick up Sheila." He kissed my head and walked up to his room.

I ate the rest of my breakfast and ran up to take a shower. I grabbed my phone and played 'God if you are above' by Falling in Reverse. The water finally started heating up enough for me to get in. I got in the shower and quickly shampooed my hair and washed my body before getting out and wrapping a towel around my waist.

"Lucas, Cole's mom texted me to let you know that Cole wants you to FaceTime him!" My dad shouted up to me from the kitchen and I knocked on the wall twice to let him know I heard, a little trick I picked up at a young age. Two knocks means yes or okay; one means no or what.

I gathered my stuff and ran to my room, hitting the FaceTime app on my phone. I hit "Call Cole-Cat" and set it on my desk, grabbing my clothes and slipping boxers on. I turned around and saw Cole on the screen, blushing slightly.

"Well hello there too Lucas." I blushed, realizing Cole had just seen my butt on his screen. I smiled awkwardly and scratched the back of my neck. Cole laughed awkwardly.

"Anyway, I was calling to say bring your coat, it's snowing a lot." He gave me a huge, childish smile. I smiled back and nodded, giggling at his infectious smile. I continued to get dressed while Cole described all the food and decorations his mom had set up.

I finished getting dressed, wearing red skinny jeans, a light grey sweater with black and red patterns, and black high-tops. In the background you could hear Cole's mother yelling at him to get off the phone and help. He blushed faintly and turned towards the camera.

"Uh, hey, I gotta go now Lukey. I'll see you later okay?" He smiled awkwardly at me, causing me to giggle and nod. "Bye bud!" He quickly hung up and I smiled at the awkwardness. I grabbed my coat from my closet and ran downstairs to my dad.

"Are you ready to go kiddo?" I nodded happily and ran out to his car, making sure to grab the gift I got for Cole on my way. I heard my dad laugh a little before following me out.

About half an hour later my dad pulled into Cole's driveway, Sheila now in the front seat of the car next to him. As soon as the car was in park I launched out of the car and knocked rapidly on the door. Cole answered the door and I immediately tackled him into a big hug.

"Whoa there! Merry Christmas Lukey!" He hugged bag and nuzzled his face into my hair. I giggled and stepped back, admiring his outfit. He wore black long sleeved shirt that hugged his chest slightly and a pair of darker skinny jeans. Oh lord help me...

"Earth to Lukey~!" Cole shook me slightly and I blushed, realizing I was staring a bit too long. I smiled and shoved his gift in his hands, playing it off as well as I could. He just laughed and led us in. I followed and gave his mom a huge hug, smelling cookies on her. I smiled up at her expectantly.

"Yes yes I made your favorite you goof." She ruffled my hair and I giggled softly. Everyone soon filed into the kitchen and plates were filled high with all of Cole and his mom's delicious cooking.

Cole would occasionally poke my side, causing me to laugh a little. I hit at his hand and pouted every time, but he would just smile and I'd give in, rolling my eyes playfully.

Later we sat around the tree in the living room, me sprawled out on the couch due to fullness. I whined and made grabby hands at Cole, wanting him to cuddle me. He just rolled his eyes and threw my coat at my face.

"Get up lazy. It's snowing let's go play!" Cole had a huge smile on face. I laughed and pulled it on, sticking my tongue out at him. I stood up and hopped on his back, lightly kicking his side with my foot like he was a horse. He carried me outside, practically running through the house to get outside. I smiled and squealed as he dumped me back into the snow. I landed in the snow with a poof and did my best to hide my laugh, feining hurt.

Cole rushed to me and kneeled down, looking at me with concern. "L-Lukey? Are you okay? Oh god I'm so sorry I didn't mean-" I cut him off by pulling him down to the snow by his sleeve, laughing at my ability to trick him. He looked over at me and tackled me into the snow, laughing as he did so. "You scared me you dork!"

I smiled and pulled him down so I was snuggling him. He held me in his arms, his bright eyes sparkling and little snow drops clinging to his lashes. I looked over at him and smiled warmly at him. He gave me a smile that warmed be so much it almost made me forget about the numbness in my fingers. Almost.

I whined slightly and pouted innocently. Cole smiled and stood, offering a hand to me. I gladly took it and stood up, dusting myself off. He dragged me back inside where my dad and Sheila were waiting with hot chocolate. I smiled and rushed over, taking the one that dad made up with whipped cream and a bit of cinnamon on top. I looked up at him with curiosity at the cinnamon.

"It's cinnamon hot chocolate. I got it at the mexican market downtown." He winked at me. I laughed and took a big drink, letting the warmth wash over me. Cole just looked at me and laughed, taking his own hot chocolate while nodding a 'thanks' to Sheila.

Cole and I sat on the couch with our hot chocolate. I cuddled into his side and smiled up at him. He laughed a bit and smiled back. "Hi Lukey." His eyes flickered to my lips and he laughed a little. "You have a little something."

I blinked and wiped at my mouth, accidently knocking my cup onto my lap. I stood up with a squeak and whimpered.

"Lucas! Here let's get you changed." Cole quickly stood up and helped me back to his room. As soon as I got back I quickly took off my skinny jeans, whining at the now red mark on my thighs. Cole came over with a cold washcloth and held it to the mark, causing me to blush.

When Cole pulled back he grabbed a pair of sweatpants and gave them to me. I slipped them on and looked up at Cole. He sat by me and held me to his chest. I went to object, but then felt relaxed by his hold, so I didn't fight it.

"Are you doing okay? That was really hot do you need ice?" I shook my head and cuddled closer. "You sure?"

I laughed softly and nodded, looking up at him happily. He looked back, his eyes flashing down slightly. I cocked my head a bit and looked at him with curiosity. He closed his eyes tight and bit his lip. I reached up get his attention, but the next thing I know, his lips are on mine. Is this really happening...?

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