Seiko (you know, just Seiko)

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After school, everything was sorted out and all of us started to hang out together like before... but without them. But in the end, Seiko ended up lonely, since I hung out with Satoshi more now.

Seiko's POV

Ayumi and Naomi now have boyfriends and I'm lonely. -.- Traitors... I'm walking home alone. What if I get molested?? Now I have these weird thoughts... this is what happens when I'm alone.. :|

Suddenly, a teenage boy, about my age, ran past me chasing after a dog.

"Pina! Come back here!" He said.

"Excuse me... D- do you need help?" I asked nervously. He was really cute. Like really cute.

"Really? You would do that? If it doesn't bother..." he was trailing off, and his face turned red suddenly. "Oh, sorry I just... this is really straightforward b-but... I think you're... really beautiful.

I blushed, but tried to focus on his dog, Pina. "Um.. your dog," I said as I giggled. "Here, I'll call her. Pina! " She ran towards me quickly, and I seemed to make it look really easy.

"I'm sorry, I didn't even ask for your name," the boy said.

"Seiko Shinohara. Nice to meet you. What's your name?" I replied.

"Isei Yusijiro," he said.

"Okay, well I guess I'll be going then," is said quickly, while turning around so he wouldn't see me blushing.

He grabbed my arm before I could walk away and grabbed me by the shoulders. He seemed really nervous too. "C-can I walk you h-home?" He asked. I was really really red. This random, handsome guy I meet, wants to walk me home?


When these new couples I've created are alone together, I'm gonna choose one persons POV for the chapter so it'll switch over sometimes, just a heads up.

Well now Seikos not lonely. Happy?

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