The Kidnapping of Satoshi

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Naomi's POV

Where am I...?

Wait... I remember now... I think.

SATOSHI. I got up quickly and frantically looked for him. I woke up the same place I lost consciousness. I'm surprised nobody had found me... how long has it been? It's dark out... it must be at night. My mom must be worried, but she can wait. I need to find Satoshi.

As I thought of him, I began to tear up. Did he really love me? Why would he ignore me? Never mind that.. I need to save him.

How was I supposed to find him? Yumiko could've taken him anywhere. I don't where she lives either.

I got it! The teacher have files on all the kids at the school. I just need to sneak in and find hers. Hopefully nobody's here now...

I can't walk very well, since she stabbed me.. It hurt really bad... God damn it... I'll head to the infirmary first. Just wait a little longer Satoshi.

I walked to the entrance of the school and tried to open the door. Of course! Why wouldn't the door of the school be locked?

I walked to the back of the school, hoping the back door was unlocked. Before I tried to turn the doorknob, I heard voices in my head.

"Naomi, hurry."

"Don't let him die too."

"What would happen with just one guy in the group?"

I heard the voices of all who died in Heavenly Host. Mayu, Morishige, and Ms. Yui were urging me to hurry to save him or it would be too late.

"Thanks for the advice, guys. We miss you!" I hoped that message arrived to them..

With my luck, the back door was unlocked. Okay... so to the infirmary first. Satoshi would scold me if I didn't bandage my injury because I was 'saving' him.

There really was nobody at the school...

I hurried and bandaged the cut in my stomach and went up to the classroom for Yumiko's file. I searched for a few minutes then realized the files would be in the faculty room. I headed there for our grade and eventually found the file for our class. I looked for her file over and over and nothing was there under her name. I looked over my shoulder and saw the trash can was knocked over. I looked inside it, and sure enough I found it.

I called Seiko, Ayumi, and Yoshiki in a group call.

"You guys, Satoshi's been kidnapped by Yumiko. I'll send you the address I found in her school file so we can save him. Please, please do me this favor."

"Wait, what?? By Yumiko? Hurry and send it, I'm on my way!" Seiko demanded.

"Bring weapons... knives, whatever. She already stabbed the both of us."

"I'll take care of that. I don't want anyone seeing you guys with knives. I bring a bag with them," Yoshiki told us.

"We'll head there as fast as we can!" Ayumi said.

"Thanks you guys! I'm sending it now!"

We would be fine... right?


I know might've been kinda boring but it was pretty long for me. Stay tuned for the next exciting (I hope) chapter.

I'm listening to some Corpse Party songs and they're so addicting... /('o')\

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