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Naomi's POV

The nurses agreed to let me stay the night at the hospital and stay with Satoshi. He had already gone through surgery at the time. Although the surgery was not a guarantee to him surviving, it was the most the doctors could do at the time.

I fell asleep almost in tears, but then I thought that Satoshi would want me to be strong.

My eyelids closed, so that all I saw was black.

"Naomi!" I heard a voice call.

I recognize this voice... Who is it..?

"Naomi!" The voice yelled again.

All I could see was white around me, even beneath me. As I turned around, I saw a figure far away. The voice was still yelling my name, but I drowned out the noise. The figure began to run towards me. When it got near me, it turned out to be Satoshi.

"Satoshi!" I yelled, beginning to run towards him. I jumped in his arms and he caught me. His hands were cold.

"Naomi," Satoshi whispered beginning to cry.

"What's wrong Satoshi?"

"I might not make it... I don't want you cry.."

"Why wouldn't I? I l- love you..." I said tearing up. "Be strong...I don't want you to go.."

"I'm doing my best for you. Because I love you too. There's so many things we haven't done yet. I wanted to get married. Maybe have kids, then grow old together."

"Don't say that!" I yelled grabbing his shirt tightly. "We will do those things!"

Satoshi stopped me and put his lips on mine. He always knew how to calm me down, since my emotions constantly got out of control.

"I-- I love you... Naomi.." Satoshi said, slowly falling to the ground.

"I love you too Satoshi! Now hang in there! Don't leave me!" I yelled with tears streaming down my face.

I put Satoshi's head on my knees. "Tell Yuka she was the best sister anyone could ever have. Yoshiki was hard to get to, but he was a great friend. Seiko always knew how to cheer anyone up, even if it was in a weird way. Ayumi always had something new to show us. Her and Yoshiki are made for each other. For the time I knew Isei, he was a pretty cool guy. Best of luck to him and Seiko. A-and Yumiko, tell her she's beautiful inside out, and she should be herself... She will find someone who loves for who she is someday. Naomi, you are someone who I could never imagine living without. You light up my life. I'm so glad I met you, despite all the hard things we had to go through. My last words... I want them to be to you. I love you, Naomi Nakashima."

"Satoshi Mochida, you are the love of my life. You helped me through all my hard times, like my knight in shining armor. I'll never forget you..." I said to him, trying to avoid the river of tears running down my face.

He nodded, not saying a word so he wouldn't let his last words go to waste. He slowly closed his eyes and faded away from my arms, blending in with the white around us.

But this was a dream... Satoshi will be fine...

I have to wake up and find out.

I opened my eyes and looked at my surroundings. I was in a dark hospital next to Satoshi.

I looked at his heart rate on the monitor and it slowly went down. I frantically ran out of the room to seek help. "Doctor! Nurse! Anyone!" I yelled. A group of people ran inside the room quickly and asked me to sit in the waiting room.

No... the dream wasn't just my imagination...

I put my face in my hands to avoid crying loudly. My hands quickly became drenched in my tears.

A doctor walked out of the room and came towards me. "I'm sorry to tell you that Satoshi has passed away..."


That chapter took so long to write. D: But it was fun. I couldn't stop writing. XD

Anyway... I couldn't think of a title so I just put the name of the song I was listening to there. I thought that it fit so why not? Its up above if you're curious.

I'm not gonna lie, I teared up a little writing this..


Now to search for typos. Crap.

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