It's Miracle ;-;

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A doctor walked out of the room and came towards me. "I'm sorry to tell you that Satoshi has passed away..."

My eyes widened quickly, as I continued to bury my face that was drenched in tears in my wet hands.

"You may see him if you'd like," the doctor offered.

"Sure... I'll see him," I said getting up up at the same time, wiping my tears away.

The doctor tried to avoid the fact that my eyes were red and tears continuously rolled down my pale face uncontrollably. "He lost too much blood."

"Does that mean I was too late?" I whispered.

"By no means was this your fault. It was nobody's fault," the doctor assured me.

"Thank you for doing all you could..." I said, slowly walking to see Satoshi for the last time.

I sat down on a blue chair next to Satoshi. I held his hands tightly, which were cold like In my dream. It felt so real.

"If.. if I wasn't too late, you would be here. I'm sorry Satoshi. I'm sorry..."

I heard something beeping. As I turned to my right his heartbeat on the heart monitor slowly started beeping rapidly.

My hands covered my mouth in shock. I couldn't believe it.

"D-doctor!" I called out, stuttering from the shock.

As the doctor with the nurse by his side quickly ran in their faces lit up. All the effort they had gone through to save Satoshi's life had saved him twice now.

After a bit, they sent me to the waiting room so they could make sure everything was okay. It was 5:00 in the morning and I was still in the hospital. I promised to myself I would stay by Satoshi's side as much as I could, not matter what. I was no longer crying yet I wasn't completely ecstatic over the past events.

I lined up some chairs together and prepared a place for me to take a nap. It was a long night.



I don't update, I know but schools a thing. You should go there. ME FOR PRESIDENT.

Anyways.... I have come up with an idea you readers that have stuck around would probably like. I'm gonna carry around an extra notebook to add to all the weight I have to carry eight hours a day for writing more of the book. Yay, more for everyone.

Bye. '-'

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