Chapter 2

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Kane's POV

"Um, Tazer, that's Jonathan Toews. And he is also my teammate who has a daughter." She nodded and ran back up to her room. "Fuck, Amber, I'm sorry."

"It's fine. She won't ask about it." Amber said making me nod.

"Well, I have to get to the UC for my game later. I'll probably call in either later or tomorrow. Is that ok?" she nodded and I gave her my number in case she lost it and I said bye to Molly before walking to my car and driving to the UC. When I got there, I parked next to Tazer, like usual, before walking in and being greeted with the man himself.

"Kaner, what took you so long?" Jonathan asked. He really was a dick yano, not even caring at the fact that he left a poor 19 year old look after a baby on her self. However, she has become a mature 22 year old now who is raising a beautiful daughter so I shouldn't really complain.

"I was just with an old friend, I met her daughter who's 3. Yano, I've missed her." I spoke making him try and fit the pieces together himself.

"You've missed a 3 year old?" He asked.

"No, I only met her today. I'm on about my friend. She was my best friend like, 3 years ago but we stopped talking." I said giving him more and more puzzle pieces.

"Sweet. Do I know her? I feel as though I would have known her." Oh my god, are you really this thick Toews?

"Yeah you know her. You were rreeaallyy close to her." Is this kid just not getting it?

"I can't remember this person. When did I stop speaking to her?"

"About 3 years ago, you know, when she told you that she was pregnant with your child." I spat before walking to the gym and getting on the treadmill. Jonathan came storming in a few moments later.

"Amber? Dude, why would you speak to her again! After what she did to me!" He shouted.

"Drop the act Toews. I know that you walked out on her. I would not have believed her a few years back but seeing as she couldn't afford to live on her own, didn't have a job, didn't have the money to raise a child but loved you as much as she did, it all kinda fits that you left her! Jonathan, you left your child, your own flesh and blood, and the girl that you were a day away from proposing to. I've seen your daughter, she is the image of you. You have really fucked this one up." I argued back.

"I wasn't ready for a child Pat." He tried.

"Neither was she. Look, please, just let me show you a video of her so you can see her. If you then want nothing to do with her, then I've tried." I said calmly.

"What's her name?" he asked.

"Molly." He teared up slightly. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. It's stupid." He said rubbing his eyes.

"No, tell me. I'm your best friend." He laughed and wiped one of his eyes again.

"We were talking about baby names, Amber and I. We were joking around. It must have been a few months before she got pregnant. She was saying about how she didn't have anything planned for the future and I said that I had everything planned. I was going to marry her, then we'd have two children, both girls, one called Molly and then Amber said that she wanted a daughter called Ember. She said that it was like a cross between Amber and Emma. Emma was her sister who got into the crash. So then, a few months later, she told me that she was pregnant and I flipped." By the time he was fully crying.

"Do you want to see your daughter?" I asked making him nod. I quickly text Amber and asked for the video she took earlier and I showed it to Jonathan. He started laughing and wiping his eyes.

"God, she is beautiful, she defiantly takes from Amber." He muttered.

"Jonathan, I could try to talk to Amber for you. Molly really wants to meet her dad, although she tells Amber that she doesn't need you, you can see it in her eyes."

"Can you please?" I nodded and got my phone out.

Hey Amb, I'm about to ask you something that might really upset you so I'm sorry in advance. Please can Jonathan meet Molly? ~ Kaner:)

Excuse me? He really wants to meet her? I don't know Pat. He did walk out and I don't want to see him. He broke me. ~ Ambie

You don't have to see him. I'll come by tomorrow, tell her that she's going to meet her dad and then I'll take her. ~ Kaner:)

I'll have to see if she wants to meet him first. At the end of the day, it's my daughter's choice not mine. ~ Ambie

I waited for a few more minutes before looking at my phone to see that I had a text from her.

Okay, you can take her to meet him ~ Ambie

I fist pumped the air and Jonathan smiled at me. I nodded back at him and he inhaled deeply. Bring on tomorrow.

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