Chapter 25

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Jonathan and I were now on a plane on our way to Spain. I looked at the new ring on my finger and smiled. I was married. Jonathan and I were actually husband and wife. It's just time for Chey and Patty to get married now. I smiled wider and looked up and Jonathan.

"You're beautiful you know that?" He spoke as he looked down at me. He kissed me quickly moved the arm rest up so that I could cuddle into his side. He placed several quick kisses on my head and left me drift off to sleep. Throughout my sleep I just couldn't stop thinking of Jonathan. He was my everything. I was being shook so I woke up and saw that we had landed. I smiled widely and took Jon's hand as we walked off the plane.

"What's the team going to do without their captain there?" I asked Jonny as he lead me to get our bag.

"Seabs or Duncs will take over practice for me. They can live without me for two weeks." He replied as he looked down at me. "There aren't any games which is good, but right now, I want to focus on my wife." He quickly added.

"I love hearing you say that." I whispered but he heard me.

"Y'know what I love hearing?" He asked making me shake my head. I expected some dirty joke to be shot at me but he actually didn't do what I expected. "Mrs Amber Toews." I blushed like mad and we got our bag. "There should be a driver waiting." Jon spoke but I think it was more an out-loud thought.

"Jon why did you want to come to Spain?" I asked him

"We've spoke about it before, plus no one will recognise me here so we can act like a normal couple on their honeymoon." I smiled at him as we made our way to a guy that had 'Toews' written on a card.

"Mr and Mrs Toes?" He asked.

"Toews." We both corrected him. He apologised quickly and helped with our bag. "How long until we get to meet our child?" Jon asked me when we were both settled in the cab.

"5-6 months still. I feel like this pregnancy is so long." I complained making him laugh, a very adorable laugh might I add. "Did you hear what this one woman said to her daughter when we got off the plane?" I asked him which resulted in him shaking his head. "She was like 'Jesus Christ Melody, he's an attractive young lad isn't he!' and then she saw me and was like 'That poor girl, being a single mom must suck.' but she saw you holding my hand and heard when you said about focusing on your wife and she went 'Oh wow, now they make a very attractive couple don't they Mel.' The daughter just looked pissed." I told him as we both laughed.

"Well, she wasn't wrong, we do make a very attractive couple." I laughed more at him and we pulled up at the hotel. It was so beautiful. Jonathan went to check in and I walked around the foyer of the hotel. I have no idea why but I've seemed to have started having a hand on my stomach, like I'm expecting the baby to kick. So I was walking around and checking the place out when someone stood next to me.

"I don't mean to sound rude, but how old are you?" The person asked making me turn to face them.

"Excuse me?" I asked the woman.

"Well, it's just, you seem very young but you're pregnant right?"

"Yes I am young and I am pregnant. I'm also here on my honeymoon if you don't mind." I snapped at her.

"Honeymoon?" I rolled my eyes at the woman and showed her my engagement and wedding ring. "Is your husband the Canadian guy at the desk?" She asked making me nod. "I just walked past him, the woman on the desk seemed to have found him attractive." She teased.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think my husband is going to do anything, now can you please leave me to look around in peace." She rolled her eyes and walked off just as Jonny walked over. He kissed my temple and took our bag as he showed us to the room. The room was on the 3rd floor and it was pretty big. "Jesus Christ Jonny, how much did you pay for this?" I asked in awe.

"The price of a normal room, apparently they kinda figured that we were on our honeymoon because of the way we were both acting so they upgraded us." I smiled jumped onto the bed. Damn it was comfy. I kinda just laid their as Jonathan laid next to me. He kissed me and I smiled wider. This was a great start to our honeymoon

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