Chapter 13

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A/N - Thank you guys for all the support on my new joint account with Blackhawkss . So, I haven't been updating in a while because I'm writing a new story that will be posted when I feel like it. And trust me, I was talking to Blackhawkss about an obsession (she knows my latest one) and he is like one of the mains and it's so weird. Also, this chapter might be confusing but I've literally just had an idea for like a plot twist kinda thing. Anyway, enjoy :)

Amber's POV

After going out for a meal with Patrick and Jonathan dropping Molly off, I saw a huge change in her behaviour. As soon as she walked into the house, she ran past Patrick and jumped on me. I missed her like crazy and I know why she was acting the way she did but I'm just glad to have her back to her old self. It was weird though, when I asked her about how she was getting on with Sara, she said that she wasn't there. I thought that she was always with Jonathan. Pat, Molly and I baked some cakes once she got home and she made us save some for Jon. I'm so glad that Jonathan and Patrick both get along again because they both looked after Molly for me when I met up with some friends. Apparently they just took her skating or something. It was almost Christmas so Jonathan decided that we should go and get stuff for Molly together. Patrick was obviously fine with looking after Molly, he was taking her over David and Jessica's because her and Jess have gotten close. Jonathan picked me up and we decided to go to get her some clothes first.

"So, you obviously know her better than I do, what does she like?" He asked as we walked through the mall.

"At the moment? Probably Disney stuff. She's really into Disney." He nodded and we walked into the Disney shop. "That's cute." I squealed as I ran over to the Tinkerbell outfit.

"Let's get it then." Jonathan spoke as he looked for one in her size. He picked it up and we decided to continue to look around. "What Disney film is she majorly obsessed with?"

"Um, we watched Aladdin like 3 times the other day. And the little mermaid." He smiled and picked up an Ariel teddy, an Abu teddy and a Jafaar teddy as I picked up a Jasmin outfit and a Little Mermaid rucksack. We went to pay for them before we decided to look for some clothes for her.

"Hey Amb, I'll carry the bags." Jonathan said as he went to take one of the bags out of my hand.

"It's fine Jon." He sighed and we walked past a Blackhawks store.

"I wanna get her something from here." He announced as we both walked in there. He bought her a Blackhawks teddy, a hoodie and blanket before going to pay. The guy insisted that he didn't pay so instead Jon ended up signing a few of the Toews jerseys. We walked out of there and I saw a skate shop.

"I know what I want to get her." Molly had been telling Patrick for a while now about how she wanted to start skating but, as she put it, 'the dancy stuff not the boyish stuff.' she was a strange child. I walked into the shop and looked at the figure skates.

"You want her to be a figure skater?" Jon asked.

"Nope, she wants to be a figure skater." He nodded and let out an 'ah' before I picked her size and paid for them. After about another 5 shops, Jon and I decided to go back to his house to hide the stuff. We were both in the kitchen drinking tea when Jonathan signed.

"Amber I really can't do this." He muttered. "We should be together. I know I fucked up big time and I would change my actions in a heartbeat but I can't. I can't turn back time and erase this. That's my daughter as well and she deserves us to be together." He announced.

"We can't be together. We're friends, that's better than what I thought we'd be." I admitted.

"Amber. Just give me second chance."

"I, I can't Jonathan." I put my drink down and sighed. "I'm, im going to go back now." He closed his eyes and shook his head. "Bye Jon."

"No, not again. Amber I'm not going to let you go again." I let a tear fall out before walking to my car and driving off. When I pulled back up at my house, I had a really bad headache so I just sat in the car for a bit. I cried a bit more before putting my head back against the headrest. I closed my eyes for a bit and when I opened them, the weirdest thing happened. I was in a completely different place. I looked around a bit and immediately knew where I was.

"Jonathan!" I called out. He quickly ran into our old bedroom and looked at me. "What date is it?"

"3rd July. Why's that?" He asked as he furrowed his eyes together.

"What year." I gulped because I knew the answer.

"2012." I looked at my phone that was in my hand, there were no photos of Molly there. I looked back up at Jonathan and saw him smiling at me. "Are you okay?" I nodded and sat on the bed. How the hell did this happen? I excused myself to the toilet before lifting up my baggy top to show a small, growing baby bump. Somehow I've gone back, I don't know how it happened or why it happened. But for some reason, I think I'm meant to see how far things go with Jon and I. But I can't get my relationship with Patrick out of my head. This is fucked up, big time. This doesn't even make any sense. It's impossible. I have no idea what to do.

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