Chapter 17

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Jonathan and I were now back at the apartment after his training. I spoke to Patrick and everything was fine, it wasn't awkward or anything, we acted like we normally did and Jonathan could see that. I was sat on the couch rubbing my stomach as I watched TV when Jonathan walked over to me and sat next to me.

"Are you ok babe?" He asked making me nod. "Stomach sore?"

"Slightly but it's normal." He smiled and kissed my cheek which made me laugh.

"Patrick invited us over his later." Jonathan spoke. I looked over at him and smiled. "Everything ok with him now?"

"Yeah, it was just a stupid moment. And what time are we going over?" I asked him. He looked at his phone to check his text before placing his phone back down.

"Probably 5ish." He replied, I looked down at my phone and saw that it was 3:30. I stood up and walked down the hall to go and get changed. I put on one of Jonathan's tops because they were baggy and put on some fitted track pants before walking back to Jonathan. "This is why I love you." He laughed as I cuddled up into his side.

"Shush I'm tired." I spoke with a yawn.

"Go to sleep and I'll wake you up before we leave." I nodded and he wrapped his arms tighter around me before I quickly fell to sleep. After God knows how long, Jonathan shook me which made me wake up. I put on a bit more make up and brushed my hair before Jonathan told me that we had to leave. On our way there, Jonathan once again held my hand for the whole journey. We pulled up at Patrick's and saw another car. I looked over at Jonathan and he was obviously as confused as I was. Jonathan knocked on the door and Patrick answered with a giant smile on his face.

"Come on in guys. I want you to meet someone." He excitedly announced. We followed him into the living room and saw a girl holding a puppy. "Ok, two people." He chuckled making the girl look at us. "So, this is Cheyenne. Chey, this is Jonathan and his fiancé Amber." He introduced us.

"Hey!" I said as I sat down on the separate couch along with Jonathan. Patrick sat next to Cheyenne and put his arm around her. "Who's the dog?" I asked as Cheyenne put the dog down making it fun to Jon and I. I smoothed the dog and it jumped on my lap making Jonathan take her off me because he was obviously scared that it would get excited and hit my stomach.

"It's mine and Chey's, her name is Bailey." I smoothed it again and Chey look at me suspiciously.

"Hey um, Amber. Want to come with me to get the guys drinks?" She asked making me nod. I stood up and walked into the kitchen with her and went to get the drinks. "Are you pregnant?" She asked making me stop what I was doing.

"Excuse me?" I asked quickly making it obvious.

"It's just that, Pat told me about how you backed away when he hugged you earlier and Jonathan seemed quite protective over you being jumped on by Bailey, also you are wearing baggy clothes." This is why I didn't really hang out with girls, they could sense things faster than guys.

"Please don't tell Pat. We haven't told him yet." Cheyenne nodded and smiled.

"You guys really mean a lot to Patrick." She spoke.

"He means a lot to us too. That's why we want him to be the godfather." Her smile grew and we poured the drinks before walking back to see the guys sat next to each other with Bailey on Pat's lap. They were watching something on their phone and laughing at whatever it was so Chey and I put their drinks on the table and sat on the other couch. Bailey jumped off Pat's lap and back over to us but Chey caught her before she got to me. Pat looked at me and sighed.

"What's wrong Amber?" He asked obviously annoyed.

"Nothing's wrong." I replied making him roll his eyes.

"I know that you guys are engaged so why won't you tell me what's wrong?" He asked again.

"Patrick leave it ok." Chey butted in.

"No, Amber we need to tell him!" Jonathan spoke making me sigh. "Amber's pregnant." He then said. Patrick didn't speak but he had a smile on his face.

"Congratulations guys!" Cheyenne said making me smile at her.

"Seriously, congratulations guy." Patrick then said but laughed after. "It's not that impressive but Chey and I have decided to move in together." He happily announced.

"How long have you been together?" Jon asked.

"A few months. And I've loved every minute." Patrick replied making Cheyenne blush. They were such a cute couple.

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