Chapter 23

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A/N - So I haven't updated recently because I've been super busy with stuff. Most of you won't know anything that has happened to me this year but omg it has literally been like the best year of my life. I passed most of my GCSE's apart from Additional Science and Maths (but I'll resit maths) and I got an A in media studies meaning that I can do a really good course in college (which I start on Monday) and I've made the best friend ever. Like sure I haven't met her in person but right now, that doesn't matter because she's literally my rock. But yeah. I don't know how many days a week I'll have off college but it might mean that there are less updates which is why I've been trying to write so many to just post. Also there will be a new Brandon Saad story that I'm gunna hopefully post soon :)

Amber's POV

After Jon picked us up from the dress shop, he took us all out for a meal because he apparently had big news for us. I told him that Andrée knew I was pregnant now and he was over the moon. So currently we were sat down at a table eating our food. I looked at Jonathan and smiled as he looked at me and did the same.

"So, anyway." Jonathan started. "Because Amber is pregnant, we don't really have a specific time that we want to have the wedding. We could either have it in, say, a month, or after the baby is born which will turn out to be 2 years later." He explained. Obviously I already knew all of this.

"So what do you think you're going to do?" My mom asked making Jon smile.

"I had to pull a few strings but I have managed to book a cute church and reception for next month. They did say though that if anything happened and we changed our minds then they wouldn't be annoyed. It's just up to Amber now." He said making me tear up. He knew that I would have preferred to have the wedding before the baby is born but I didn't think we'd get anywhere.

"What if people can't make if because of short notice?" I panicked.

"I checked with most of the people who I knew would be invited and they have all saved the date." He grinned, you could tell that he was proud of himself and I was proud of him too.

"Are you going to tell us the date then Jon?" Andrée asked.

"August 7th. The season won't have started and most people are back from vacation which is good."

"So we're getting married on August the 7th? Wow, this seems so real now." I confessed making Jon place his arm around my shoulders and pull me closer to him before he kissed my head.

"I know that we shouldn't speak about it here but Jonathan, what's the situation on Amber's dad?" My mom asked him. I didn't want him there and I know Jon didn't either but I was quite curious to hear his response.

"I haven't asked or thought of inviting him if I'm honest. He hasn't been a father to Amber and I don't want him there. He did actually send me a text the other day saying how that he wanted to see Amber now that he was out of hospital but I told him we had too much on our plate." He admitted. "Amber if you want him there then I will ask him."Jonathan added.

"Of course I don't want him there. He made up a fuss about you not asking permission and you're right, he hasn't been a father to me. I want him to know that we're getting married without giving him any other detail." I told him.

"I'll text him." My mom spoke up. She got out her phone and wrote something out before showing Jon and I.

'I'm currently out for a meal with Amber, Jonathan and his mom, they have just told us that they will be getting married soon. Once they are married you won't be able to control her anymore, I would say what you have to say to her before she is officially Jon's wife. - Shelly'

'I control her? Don't you mean Jonathan controls her? He's not right for her Shel... - Mark'

'You have no say in who's right or wrong in my life. Jonathan is going to be my husband and I do not want you at the wedding, please deleted my number and Jonathan's - Amber'

I passed the phone back to my mum and kind of fell into Jonathan's side. Andrée looked sympathetically at me before her and my mom announced they needed to leave. We all made our way home and Jon and I canceled all of our plans so he could listen to me break down over my dad.

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