Chapter Fifteen

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* So sorry for my last three late updates been dealing with a lot at the moment and trying to keep up with the Sunday updates. Also going to try and do two updates one of these upcoming Sundays to make up for it, I do apologize and hope you all enjoy the updates.

Chapter Fifteen (started 3/24/2022)

The clock on the wall ticked loudly as Sebastian laid on the couch waiting for his latest therapy session to begin, Dr. Fields was wanting to get under way but she had an emergency phone call to take and would be back in a moment. He huffed loudly while twiddling his thumbs and hoping that this didn't take all evening nor brought on any undo troubles. He was barely able to handle Gregory's demands and Lennox was going to his parents house for the Thanksgiving break which meant both Lennox and his father would be in one place together and he had no idea what Lennox would say if pressed. He'd asked after Sebastian got home late the night before and seeing he would be occupied with Gregory he could say no but then he would just worry if Lennox got out and went out anyway. So he thought for the time being letting him go would be the lesser of two evils, but first he had to get this dreaded appointment over with.

"Sorry about that." Dr. Fields came in with her tape recorder, notepad and pen. "I'm here and ready to begin."

"About time. I'm already annoyed this is going to be a two hour appointment the least you could do is be prompt."

"Yes, you're right, Sebastian. And I'm apologizing for that. Now if you don't mind we should get started so that you can get out of here on time."


She turned the tape recorder on before getting up from her desk and going over to her windows and making sure they were closed so that all distractions and noise could be blocked out during their session. She asked that Sebastian turn odd his phone and then asked him slow his breathing because it worked best when the patient was in a calm, quiet state. Even though he rolled his eyes he did as instructed taking out his phone to turn it off then laying back and taking long, slow and deep breaths.

"Now I need you to focus on something for me." She said as she dimmed the lights and turned on something that began to click rhythmically behind him. He went to look at see what it was but Dr. Fields placed her hand on his shoulder to stop him. "Stay facing forward and focus on the sound of the metronome, it'll guide you into the hypnotic state. Now this isn't to be feared we're not digging or prying for anything in particular we just want to unlock your mind and see what comes to the surface. Then we'll go from there. Future hypnosis or delve into what we find and see if it helps with your diagnosis thus far."

"And if you don't like what you find?"

"I just won't like it. I'm your therapist Sebastian. I want you to trust me, besides I can voluntarily divulge anything we discuss or bring up in your sessions unless it pertains to a crime which I'm sure we won't have any issues with."

He didn't say anything but honestly he didn't know what he'd reveal when in such a state. However, it was a little too late to back out now and besides he could take care of things if they got out of hand. "Understood."

"Now again focus of the ticking of the metronome and close your eyes. Hear my words as they wash over you, and heed the suggestions as you will." He again laid back and closed his eyes listening to the ticking and her voice which was smooth and slow, it was actually becoming soothing which was surprising seeing most days he was with her he tuned her out almost completely.

"Everything here is safe, calm, and peaceful. Let yourself sink into the couch as you relax deeper with each and every breath." He wanted to laugh at this mediocre attempt but he couldn't, it was as if his jaw was wired such and his lips were merging into each other. He didn't like this feeling but in the same instance he could feel his breathing slow down and his eyelids grow heavier and heavier each second. He tried keeping them open but it was getting harder and harder.

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