Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter 17 (started 5/16/2022)

The sun was peaking through the blinds casting a luminous glow along the bed and directly into Lennox's eyes, swiftly he got out of the bed and rushed over to the window.  He quickly closed the blinds making sure not to make a single noise while he did.  After they were closed he let go of the string and sighed quietly then looked over his shoulder to see that Sebastian hadn't stirred while he jumped out of bed.  He breathed a sigh of relief and slowly tiptoed back to the bed, it had only been a week since the Thanksgiving dinner that no one wanted to bring up and two days since Sebastian had returned from his trip and already Lennox could tell something was amiss.  Sebastian's moods were far more erratic, his punishments were getting more severe and Lennox was finding it was hard not to do anything right in his eyes which usually landed him a swift slap across the face or verbal abuse hurled at him.  The only thing that kept him going was knowing that he would get at least six hours on campus away from him that and the thought of the kiss he and Declan shared that miserable night before everything became so messy.

In the following week Chloe it seems had cut off everyone and did exactly what she'd said she was going to do in the matter of moving back in with her parents and keeping her distance from Max.  The only time Lennox had seen her was when he'd stopped by the hospital to speak with Chloe's aunt, Vanessa about the intense stomach pains he'd been having but they had called three code blues and there was a car collision that night so he didn't get the chance to see her.  He did however, see a very somber and puffy-eyed Chloe talking with a fellow nurse.  About what he wasn't sure but she still had her sweater on over her scrubs and it looked as if at any moment she, if told the wrong thing would burst into tears.  Knowing he shouldn't cause a scene by bothering her or bombarding her at work even if it was to check on her or see how she was doing he snuck out without so much as a smile or wave.  The sight of her heartbroken amongst all the chaos stuck with him and he had made it a note that he would call her as soon as Sebastian left the house and headed to work.

Max on the other hand seemed to want to throw all his work down the drain.  Instead of cramming for exams before the Christmas break he was going out partying, drinking somewhat heavily and not making the best marks he could on his assignments.  Lennox only knew this because their father, Liam, had called just the night before to see if he had seen his brother lately and to see what the problem was.  So not wanting to keep anything from his dads Lennox divulged about the night after his fathers went upstairs on Thanksgiving night.  The whole explosion between Max and Declan resulting in what may have been the end of their friendship and the following bombshell to everyone that Max and fathered a child with someone other than Chloe and that Chloe's secret had also been unveiled.  He was sure their dads would pester Max until he got his head on right but he was still worried for his brother and what he must've been feeling after everything was aired.

Then there was Declan.  He hadn't said a single thing to Lennox in days then all of a sudden his engagement and wedding that was only months away was... gone.  It was no longer an obstacle to keep them apart like it had been before, and Declan had made his feelings known for some time now but Lennox was scared that if he left Sebastian something might happen to Declan and if so he couldn't live with himself knowing that he had been the cause.  So he stayed with Sebastian even though things were getting tough and he lived in terror, but he knew if he was ever able to get out he could finally be happy with the guy he'd always wanted to love.  It definitely wasn't easy though not being able to be near him or talk to him but knowing Declan was safe actually comforted Lennox.  So he put up with things for now in hopes that during Christmas break he could go back home and the two could get some time together again and see where things led.

Once back at the bed he lifted the covers and slid back underneath holding his breath the whole time making sure not to stir or wake Sebastian.  His heart was practically pounding out of his chest and he held his breath the entire time until his back was planted firmly against the mattress and his head hit the pillow.  Once safely back in bed he exhale at an agonizing snail's pace until his lungs were empty the slowly breathed in while turning on his side and closed his eyes hoping that he could fall back asleep soon and when he woke Sebastian would've left for work.  While he laid on his side he mentally made a list of all the things he needed to get done in the house that day or things he knew if done Sebastian wouldn't get so easily upset.  First, he would need to tidy the living room, then there was organizing the pantry and taking out the garbage before doing any laundry that needed to be done.  Just as he was trying to conjure more things that would get him through the majority of the day alone in his big homely prison, a heavy muscular arm wrapped itself around his bare waist and soon Sebastian shuffled along the bed until his hard, firm body was pressed up against Lennox's back.

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