Chapter One

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Lennox waiting for Declan to come over to their apartment.

* First off I do want to apologize for the delay I know a lot of followers/readers have been waiting for this story I just haven't had time to sit down and write it.

** Second of all, as you should already be aware this story contains Manxboy and Boyxboy. Manxboy just means one character will be older than the other but they're both of age. There will be men kissing, touching, etc.

** As well there will be BDSM, in this story so if that makes you uncomfortable I completely understand though this book may not be the one for you.

*** Last but not least I write about interracial couples a lot. Being mixed myself it's something that doesn't bother me but if you don't like it just picture whoever you desire as the characters.

Chapter 1 (started 3/8/2016)

Lennox wasn't feeling his best and he had good reason to; even though he lived in an apartment with his older brother, Max and Chloe, Max's girlfriend.  His best friend was moving out that very week.  Declan Parker had always been Lennox's closest friend ever since they met in kindergarten when Declan moved down the street from them.  Apparently Declan's parents, DJ and Amber were extremely close with Lennox and Max's fathers, Nate and Liam. 

But now things between the two would change and not for the better, actually they'd been changing for a while now.  Declan was getting married in the summer to his longtime girlfriend Tonya, which Lennox hated because they would be moving so Declan could join the Air Force like he had planned.  Lennox would be losing his best friend to a girl he quite honestly couldn't stand.  It wasn't that she had done anything, he was jealous that lately Declan spent all his time with her and not him.

Especially after today when he would hand back his copy of the apartment keys and move his stuff out.

He sighed when his phone rang, why did people have to bother him today or all days?  Lennox picked up his phone and immediately his whole mood changed, because it was Declan who calling.

"Hey!" He couldn't control his heart from racing and the giddy smile that spread across his face.

"Is it okay if I come over?  Before I start moving out?"

"You don't have to ask, you still have a key."  Lennox started fiddling with a piece of string hanging from the bottom of his shirt.  He didn't know why he always felt so nervous around Declan, even while talking on the phone.


Lennox jumped when the front door swung open and Declan walked in.

"I was hoping you'd say that."

"Hey! You're here!"

Declan grinned, he loved how excited Lennox was when he saw him. It made him genuinely happy and though he'd never admit it made his heart skip a beat.

He walked over and sat next to Lennox, they turned the tv on and talked. For hours they laughed and theorized who the murderer was in the scary movie they were watching. Lennox rested his head against Declan's shoulder he could feel himself growing tired but he didn't want to miss any time with him before he had to leave.

"Come on we should get you to bed." Declan said about to get up from the couch.

"No," Lennox mumbled, grabbing his hand keeping him close. He smiled, he always loved how smooth Declan's milk chocolate skin was except for his palms they were rough from the construction work he did.  He looked up into his dark creamy eyes and a feeling he'd only felt once before resurfaced.  It wasn't that he was into Declan at least he didn't think he was he just really liked spending time with him.  Plus it wasn't easy when he kept thinking about the one kiss they'd shared three years before.  He still remembered the taste of cherries that lingered in Declan's mouth and his hot breath that awakened parts of Lennox's body he didn't even know would respond.

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