Editor Toono ARG (1)

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(A/N: This was supposed to be released last Halloween, but school shit happened and I didn't get to do it. So here it is.)

Based on the Editor Wilbur ARG

Akemi wants to have a Halloween Party but doesn't know how to make it scary, Toono decided to help out by making one of his favorite things; ARG's.
3rd POV
It was October and Akemi called a club meeting, not about sex for once.

"Alright! So, I want to throw a Halloween party!"

"Hah? Why?"

"Because! I think it would be a great way to promote our club! And also, I've always wanted to throw a Halloween party!"

"Sounds great to me!"

"But... I want to make it scary, but I don't know how."
Akemi whines

The others suggested their ideas, meanwhile, Toono is thinking about his own plans. He might not love what the club does but he do like his friends, so he came up with an idea that he's going to do without the other's knowledge.
The rest of the meeting were spent on planning the party, Toono told Kashima to go ahead and that he needs to take a phone call.

He looked through his contacts and pressed on one of them, after a couple rings the person on the other side picks up.


"Hey Wilbur, uh you said you're going to Japan for the LoveJoy Halloween Tour in October right?"

Toono and Wilbur have been friends since they were kids, Toono's family moved to the UK when he was 7 and he met Will, after Toono moved back to Japan he and Wilbur keeps in contact.

"Yeah yeah, what's up mate?"

"So um, can you do me a favor?"

"Depends on the favor, what's up?"

"So my club wanted to throw a Halloween party but don't know how to make it exciting, so uh can you and your band maybe perform at the party?"

"Uhh when is the party?"

"Literally on Halloween night, can you arrange that?"

"Uhh hold on let me check... We're available at about 07:10-8:15PM Japanese time mate, After that we need to do the tour."

"Perfect! Oh and also, I need your help with another thing."

"What's that?"

"Remember your- actually... Hey, it's uh a bit cold eh? I'm so cold dude."

"... Ahh, yeah why?"

"I need you to help me make something similar, but less hard and less confusing"

"Ha ha very funny, and why exactly?"

"Why not make days leading up to the party exciting?"

"Ah~ I see, alright how do you want to do it?"

Their conversation continued as Toono walked to his dorm and write stuff down, typing away on his laptop, and finally after over an hour he hangs up.
The next day, Wilbur sent a video of the band practicing and Toono have recorded his bit.
So now he just needs to edit them together like Wilbur's first ARG video, add in some morse code at the end and his first ARG video is finished.

Time skip

After school, Toono and Kashima went back to Kashima's dorm to do a project together, Akemi and the others stayed behind in the club room for god knows what. Toono asked to take a phone call and Kashima said yes, when Toono is outside he sent the edited video to Akemi's email address, how did he get it? Well he asked one of the teachers.

With the Yaribu

Akemi was just looking at the club activity board when his laptop got a notification, he saw that he got an email and went to look at it. He checked his email and saw that it was an email address he'd never seen before, all that was attached to it was a video.

"What's that?"

"An email, don't know the address though. There's only a video attached."

"What's the fucking video?"

"Well we're about to find out."
Akemi said as he clicked on the video.

The video shows the band LoveJoy preparing their instruments.

"Oh! It's LoveJoy, love that band!"

Wilbur then get close to the camera.

"Hey to the person who got this video, uh you're one of the lucky fans to get this special Behind The Scenes video from us! And also, we just got a new editor and wanted to see how he works, so uh yeah. Enjoy!"
Wilbur said as he walked back to position.

The band starts playing 'Sex Sells' and all was pretty normal, until it hit the 2 minute mark and the screen turns to static.

"What the hell?"

"Wait, be quiet I hear something."

In the static, the beeping sound of morse code can be heard. A deep voice can be heard afterwards, the voice sounds like they used a voice changer to alter their voice.

"Hello, to the person who got this video. It's me, the new editor of LoveJoy! First of all, I'd like to say congratulations for being the lucky person, and secondly, you may be wondering 'Why did this guy cut in the middle of the video?' Um, so I need to tell you all something.
I need you all to tell Wilbur to make me the main editor, I-I just need Chris to be fired.

The video cuts off when a loud thud was heard and the followed with more static sounds.

After a few seconds, the video cuts back to LoveJoy continuing like nothing happened.

"What the hell was that?!"

"I-I have no idea... What just happened?"


"2:45! 2:45! Morse code!
Was all that Yuri said while playing with a toy.

They go back to the time stamp and subtract the audio and put it in a morse code decoder, it resulted in a link to a Reddit account by the name of 'T.Tokeshi'. Where the only thing that was there is a video tittled 'Clues'.

"Holy moly! It's an ARG!"
Akemi said excitedly

"What's an ARG?"

"Alternate Reality Game, it's like a puzzle on the internet. I love these!"

"How about we talk about it more tomorrow? It's getting late and I have stuff to do."

"Alright fine, see you all tomorrow."
Akemi said, dismissing everyone.

As everyone was leaving, Toono smirked from behind the window. He had finished his project early and wanted to see how they react to the ARG, it's just the beginning.

And He's So Cold.

That's it
Hey my ravens, it's Sapphire here!
I have been OBSESSED with the Editor Wilbur ARG, even though my brain could never. I was originally planning to write this last Halloween, but shit happened and I didn't get to do it, so I decided to do it now. Now or never, right?

Welp, till next time.
See you later my ravens💜💙💜💙

Toono Takashi OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now