11: The Break Has Been Broken

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Orange steves were running away from the dark figures as the darkness' infection grew along the land. Sabre heard the Orange Leader swear under his breath behind him, before turning back to the others still inside.

"Rainbow, you come help me get these Orange steve out of here, Blue, Sabre, can you two help anyone being attacked?", Blue and Sabre nodded. Happy came with Shy following closely behind to see what was happening.

"Wait, why can't I help Blue and Sabre?", Rainbow asked, probably feeling like everyone was trying to stop him from getting involved.

"Because you're one of the most powerful out of us, and I need your help to teleport everyone else out of here,", he replied, Rainbow thought about it for a moment before nodding, his eyes filling with determination.

"We could also help round up some others", Funny stepped forward, Shy looking at him slightly panicked. The Orange Leader hesitantly nodded, then led them out, looking back to Blue and Sabre.

"You two think you'll be ok to handle this?", Sabre looked to blue who nodded, already taking his sword out to fight. Sabre turned back to the Orange Leader to tell him they'll be fine, taking out his own sword as well.

The Orange Leader and the others went out and started calling for the Orange steves that hadn't already teleported away to come to them while Blue and Sabre went to fight any darkness that was attacking or following someone. 'Of course this had to happen. Just as I was trying to do something so Rainbow could relax, the darkness just had to attack. Juuust perfect', Sabre thought sourly as he sunk his sword into a darkness figure, watching it disappear and fade away like smoke. He turned around just as Blue also hacked down a darkness being, causing it to do the same.

Blue looked to Sabre as well before quickly turning back around to attack more darkness. The concern was clear to read on his face. Something wasn't right, there was more darkness than usual and it's vine like tendrils were spreading faster through the land than they had seen before, growing up the sides of building and winding up the trees, causing the leaves to wither and darken, shrivelling up on the branches.

As he continued to strike down as much darkness as possible, he caught sight of two figures floating in the air. The same two figures that were there every time. The ones that were causing this. To say he was annoyed was a massive understatement. Clenching his hands around the hilt of his sword, he started to run towards them, not noticing Blues' call for him to stop. The closer he got the faster he ran. He went for the one with the red tinted cloak, who was floating slightly lower on the ground and jumped up to swipe his sword at them, swinging it around, about to make a clean hit, only for the figure to quickly turn around and dodge. At this close, Sabre was able to see his face clearer than he ever had before. Despite the cloak still bathing them in shadows, he could see the smallest bit of the surprise in their eyes. Their red and white eyes. Netherbrine.

As he stumbled back to the ground, he tried to catch his breath as the figure flew higher, the other turning around to see what had happened. While looking back up at them, a thousand thoughts were running through his mind. 'How is Netherbrine here? I thought I trapped him in the Nether! But how did he get here? How was he controlling the darkness!?'. As the two figures- no, Netherbrine, and the other looked down at him, he backed up a few steps tightening the grip on his sword and trying not to show his panic at this realisation. He glared up to them and they glared right back.

Sabre became less confident as he saw bright sparks going around the other figures hand as they looked down at him. Maybe he shouldn't have tried to attack them after all...

They balled their hand into a fist as the sparks turned into fire.

"フ⚍። ¡!ꖎᔑリ ╎ነ ᔑꖎᒲフነﬧׅ ᓵフᒲ¡!ꖎŀﬧׅŀ, ॥フ⚍ ∴フリ'ﬧׅ ʖŀ ᔑʖꖎŀ ﬧׅフ ↸ŀ⎓ŀᔑﬧׅ ⚍ነ ᔑ ነŀᓵフリ↸ ﬧׅ╎ᒲŀ ⎓フフꖎ", They hissed down to him before forming a concerningly large fireball and throwing it down towards Sabre.

He narrowly dodged it, the explosion caused by the fireball creating a large cloud of smoke. Sabre coughed and waved his hand around trying to get the smoke out of his face. As it slowly cleared, he looked up to see they had left again. He sighed in annoyance and was about to leave before he saw someone in the smoke. Had one of them stayed? They came through the smoke, and he stopped. It was Elemental Steve! But...

His once bright red jumper had become faded, with dark tendrils covering it as well as everything else. The water forming his right lower forearm and hand had turned dark and clouded, and the left lava had become dull, almost like obsidian. His once golden glowing eyes were now a dark abyss, nothing left but black. Wasn't he supposed to be with Time Steve? What happened?

"Elemental, please man, not this...", Sabre trailed off as the infected Elemental took a step towards them, a sword forming in their hand. It seemed like it was made out of obsidian, similar to his left arm. Maybe it would have been made of lava before he was infected. They suddenly dashed forward, trying to get a hit before Sabre pulled out his sword to block it, surprised at the amount of strength behind the attack as he stumbled back.

"Come on Elemental, please, snap out of it!", Sabre tried, looking into his eyes, but seeing no emotion. Just empty, dark eyes.

Elemental made a quick shove with his sword, flinging Sabres' sword several blocks away and shoving Sabre to the ground. He quickly tried to back up as far as possible, trying to get away from the infected steve as they continued to advance. Panic was starting to consume him as Elemental raised his sword up for a finishing strike, Sabre raising his hands above his head in some sort of attempt to protect himself. HE waited for the attack to come. For the pain from something to tear into him appear. But it didn't. He heard a grunt and looked back up to see that Blue had elbowed Elemental, knocking him to the ground. Blue quickly spun around to Sabre, offering his hand to help him up. He looked just as panicked as Sabre felt. Accepting his hand, Blue helped him up and gave him back his sword that had been knocked away.

They looked back to the infected steve as they got back up, finally showing some emotion in his darkened eyes as he glared at the two, bearing his sword again. Blue and Sabre readied their swords and got in a readied stance as Elemental ran for them again. But before he was able to get a hit lightning was striking on him. It was too fast for Sabre to make out, but all he knows is that one moment Elemental was charging for them, the next he was unconscious, and Time was standing right there, catching him before he fell.

They stood there for a moment, Time knelt down next to his infected brother and held him tightly, seeming to be silently crying under his clock mask. The area around them seemed to change to the mood, becoming almost completely silent. It seems there wasn't anymore darkness left.

"...Time?", Sabre muttered as he took a step towards them, concerned for his friend. Time was silent for a few more seconds.

"...I couldn't help him...", he whispered, barely audible. Sabre had never heard Time sound so broken. Time continued to cradle his brother in his arms, muttering quiet apologies as he continued to cry. Sabre looked up as he heard footsteps coming towards them. He held up his sword before seeing that it was just the Orange Leader and Rainbow Steve. He sighed in relief as he let his sword disappear into his inventory. They quickly noticed Time, who was trying to shield his infected and hurt brother from the world.

They all stayed quiet for a few more moments, not wanting to interrupt what was happening when,

"Wait... Sabre?", Rainbow asked, looking at Time then Sabre, a betrayed look reflecting in his eyes. Sabre was confused for a moment before remembering. Right. He had told Rainbow that Time and Elemental had gone to take a break.

Rainbow knew that he had lied to him. And he didn't seem too happy about it.

Word Count: 1484

Wow, three weeks of consecutive updates? Who would've thought :D

This chapter ended up being shorter than expected, but eh

You lot better eat ur water and have a good day/night/relative time existence

Ok cya byeeeeeee-

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