Memory Lane

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Venti placed a sleeping Lucielle down on her bed. After the group has arrived in the city, Diluc and Jean went their separate ways from the others after ensuring that the rest of the group has arrived safely in the golden haired girl's apartment since the bard was still wanted by the Knights. Of course, Jean would quickly deal with this matter.

Inside the apartment, Lumine was cooking a meal for her, Paimon, and Venti. It looked like Lucielle would not wakeup for a few more hours. So, she'll cook for her once she's awake.

"Will Lucielle be okay?," Paimon worriedly asked Lumine who was busy chopping a few radishes. "She looked really pale."

"Don't worry Paimon," Venti was the one who answered the floating child onced he quietly exited Lucielle's bedroom, "I'll keep an eye on her."

Lumine nodded at Venti. Her golden haired friend looked like she was going to catch a fever soon. Lumine suggested for them to take turns, so that the other can have a few hours of sleep. Venti shook his head sideward. He wanted to be the one to take care of Lucielle. Plus, the traveler has done so much already. She also needed a good night's rest.

Venti sat on the couch in the living room and smiled at Lumine, "It's alright traveler. I'll take care of Lucielle. So after you eat dinner why don't you take a rest."

Lumine wanted to disagree but her body was telling her otherwise. For the past few days, she wasn't able to sleep much. She kept thinking about her brother. How was he? Is he alright? Is he eating properly? Does he sleep well? Or was he also thinking about her? These thoughts were swirling around her mind and once she can finally sleep, it would be an hour or two after sunrise.

Lumine sighed, as much as she wanted to take care of her friend, Venti was right. She does need some rest. She looked at Venti and gave some instructions. "I'm not sure if Lucielle would be hungry or not. So I'm making radish veggie soup if she doesn't have any appetite. If she does get hungry then I'll set aside some omellete rice for her. Just reheat either one once she wakes up."

Venti nodded in understanding. It was nice that despite only knowing each other for week or so, Lucielle and Lumine seem to trust one another. To Venti, it looked like their friendship will always remain strong and their bond will never break, no matter what obstacles they face.

The bard was looking around Lucielle's apartment while Paimon was busy helping Lumine cook. Though, the blonde would occasionally scold her companion for eating the ingredients. One particular object caught Venti's eye, it was a book about other universes. The language it was written was not from Teyvat. It was the language of the celestial realm. Venti furrowed his eyebrows. He forgot how to read its language much more speak it.

"Barbatos, pay attention." A golden haired girl with angel like wings scolded him. They were sitting under a tree which was planted on a cloud. "At this rate, we'd be stuck learning the same thing for hours and we've only covered the alphabets!"

"I am paying attention, my windblume!" He replied in a defensive tone. The girl shook her head sidewards and folded her arms, "for the past five minutes I saw you look at a butterfly, the children playing across us, and the ice cream shop."

"You looked at the ice cream shop too." Barbatos pouted but suddenly had an idea. "I know! How about we have a quick snack before going back to this language stuff."

The girl looked tempted at his suggestion but disagreed. "We can eat when you can at least say a few words in Enochian."

"Come on! It's going to close in thirty minutes!" The bard tried persuading the girl. This caused her to widen her eyes and instantly made her stand. She puffed her cheek in realization to the bard's plan but went along. "Fine! But we'll get back to learning after."

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