author speaking!

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-first off, thank you so much for picking my story! it means the whole world to me.

-i write other books on my main acc sagemilkk if you wanna check that out!

-i'll be using she/her for the pronouns, i apologise for those whose pronouns are they/them, he/they, he/him etc

-this is a safe place, if you wanna talk abt smthn PM me<33

-i know louis is of legal age, but i can't write smut for shit and im a minor whose not really comfortable writing it.

- x-reader

- english isn't my first language, so i apologise for grammar errors, spelling errors and wrong use of words

-educate me, teach me but don't belittle me

-comment! i don't give much care for votes as long as you guys are enjoying the story. i would love to interact and have small talk with you<33

alright, let's give you what you came for!


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