rain ଂ

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( example )- that's just my a/n

❛ dancing in the rain

We sang to the music blasting on the radio as Louis drove by tall trees, it's green leaves hovering over us. it was honestly beautiful.

I look up to the sky whose colour was beginning to fade into grey ( gray? idk ) and i smile.

I love the rain. It was so calming and i felt safe. The sound gives me comfort. And it seems like louis took notice of it too.

"Looks like it's about to rain, love." he said.

"About time, i miss jumping on the puddles." I mumbled.

louis chuckled and shook his head, "Fuckin child."

I shrugged, "Yeah, but you love me."

"That, I do." he looked at me and took my hand, squeezing it. I couldn't help but smile.

god i love this boy.

Soon, the song changed and Just the Two of Us by Grover Washington started playing and i immediately turned to louis, "Stop the car."

He looked at me like i was a madman, "What- y/n. We're literally in the middle of nowhere." he reminded.

But i was stubborn, "Louis. Stop the car."

He sighed and stopped the car, making me smile. i turn the volume to max and unbuckled my seatbelt.

"What do you think you're doing?" louis raised a brow.

i raise a brow, "Are you making your girl dance alone?" i laughed as i went out the car, louis doing the same.

i stood in front of the car as louis comes up, "May i have this dance, fair lady?"

i bite my lip to stop myself from laughing, "Depends. Mother won't let me marry into a poor household."

"And if i am? Poor, i mean." ( liar )

i step closer, "Good thing i never listen to her."

He smiled as he wraps his hands around my waist and mine around his neck, laying my head under his chin. we started swaying to the music.

"This is nice." he mumbled. i hummed, nodding my head softly as i meet his face.

my eyes flickered between his lips and i look up to find his eyes looking down on my lips.

i feel his face leaning closer and i begin to close my eyes. And there it is, the feeling of his soft lips on mine filled my stomach with butterflies.

i bring my hands to cup his face, caressing his cheek. i pull myself closer, his eyelashes brushing softly against my skin.

my heart skipped a beat and my stomach flipped over thrice as i felt his hand clutch onto my shirt in order for me to stay put and i fight a smile.

thunder boomed in the sky and droplets of water fell down on us. i pull away, breaking the kiss and look up laughing as more rain continued to come pouring down.

"We're gonna get sick." i whispered.

He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and place a hand under my chin, making me look up.

He shrugged, "As long as I'm with you, I don't give a dam." ( pjo pun included 💀 )

The boy grabbed my hand and held it in his and we danced in the rain as Just the Two of us played faintly in the background. in some point, he twirled me under his arm and him, under mine—which was considerably funny since he was taller than me.

we danced with time on our side, the sound of pouring rain bringing joy and louis' hand in mine bringing comfort.

i was the luckiest girl in the world.



idk if i like it but i need to post one so heres...that ig.

request an imagine here! >>


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