new years ¸.•*

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❛ new years kiss ❜

we sat at the highest point of the hill with a picnic mat spread out. louis took me to see the fireworks. personally, i've never cared for celebrating new years but louis was persistent we go.

"What time is it?" i ask, looking over louis' shoulder as he checks the time.

"11:00pm. An hour to go."

i sigh and lay down with my head in his lap, "Why'd we leave now? Couldn't we just watch the fireworks at home? I want my bed."

"Watch the fireworks? At home?" louis asked incredulously, "Where's the fun in that! You seriously choose at home than watch the fireworks in person?"

i shrugged, looking up at him, "Yeah, basically. I mean, we'll have another chance at watching the fireworks another year."

"Is this your first time?" he asks playing with my hair.

i fidget with my rings, "Yeah.."

a smile lit up on louis' face, "Good."

I tilt my head sideways, "Why?"

He leans closer to me, "Cause then I'd be the first to take you here."

i smile and look at his lips but he pulls away, "Nope. Save that for the new years kiss."

i sat up and turned my head toward him, "New years kiss? That's a thing?"

"You don't know about new years kiss??" louis asked as if i offended him.

"Pfft. Of course I do." i replied. but from the look louis gave me, i knew he knew i was lying, "Okay. I don't, happy?"

"You have to go out more."

"Shut up."


i must've fallen asleep because i woke up to louis shaking me. in the background, i could hear people counting down from.

"Darling, wake up."

i mumble and rub my eyes sitting up, "What's happening?"

"They're counting down. It's nearly 12."


louis pulls me closer and tucks a hair behind my ear, "Ready for the new years kiss?"

"Always if it's with you. Let's get this over with so we can go ho—"

louis cuts me off by placing his lips on mine. as if we were in a movie, fireworks began to show in the air. people were screaming and cheering.

he pulls away and looks at the sky where bright colours pop up and fade away.

"This is so much more beautiful in person." i exhaled.

louis grins and hit my shoulder, "Told you so."


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