picnic ♡₊˚•

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❛ picnic date ❜

"Put this on."

"What?" i ask Louis as he handed me a blindfold. he seemed excited and really happy today.

"Darling, just put it on. trust me." 

i dodge as he tried to put it on, "I hate walking blindly, it scares the fuck outta me."

louis frowns slightly, "Fine. i won't put the blindfold on just yet, but when we arrive im putting it on you. deal?"

i thought about it for a moment but he gave me the look. and he knows i can't resist the look.

i groan and rolled my eyes, "Deal.—wait where are we going?"

"Somewhere." louis mumbled.

i raise a brow, "I'm not allowed to know?"

he looked at me and smirked, "Well that'll ruin the fun, wouldn't it?"


"You're awfully excited." i say as we drove away.

"Am i not allowed?" he raised a brow.

i shook my head, "No, no, you're allowed." i chuckled, "Just...i know something's up."

he looked at me and shrugged, "Nothing's up. Put you're seatbelt on. Don't die before we arrive."

"Can i die after that?"

he glared at me, "no."

i let out a small laugh, "Kidding, love." before giving him a peck on the lips, "Can i know how far away or close it is? How long the drive is."

"Only a few minutes."

"Oh cool—"

"Like an hour or so."

i froze and look at him, "Louis James Partridge." he flinched when i included one of his middle name, "A few minutes? A few minutes!"

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry. Only 60 minutes away!"

I scoffed and shook my head, "Where are we going anyway?"

"I told you. It's a surprise for fucks sake."

"Fine." i sighed.


as i look out the window, i had no idea where we were. the only thing that surrounded us were trees.

i turn to the boy in the drivers seat, "You're not those psycho boyfriends who take their girlfriend in the woods and end up being a murderer in disguise who then kills their girlfriend right?"

he snorted and shook his head, "What the fuck is going on in that thick skull of yours? No! And even if i were one, then you'd be the girl who the villain ends up loving and would sacrifice the world for them."

i let out a breath of relief before realising what he said and my heart exploded. louis knows how much i love that book plot and him complimenting me with it makes me all warm.

"You look cute when you're flustered." he taunted, "Your cheeks turn pink and your smile reaches your cheekbones."

i scoff, "They do not. And i never blush."

he tilted his head, nodding, "Yeah, you never blush. Which is good. Because i'm the only person who can colour up your cheeks."

once again, my boyfriend leaves me speechless. the only words i can think of was, "God, i hate you so much."

"Don't lie to yourself, love."


darkness was the only thing i could see. i held on louis' hand tightly, afraid i might fall, slip and die. i could hear birds chirping and the ground swaying.

"Louis where are we? What am i standing on?"

i could hear him laugh—probably because of how frantic i sound, "We're nearly there. Just trust me and follow my lead okay?"

he tugged my hand and the swaying stopped. the ground was harder and i assumed i stood on grass. we walked a bit farther before i was pulled to a stop.

the hair on my neck stood up as i felt someone's presence next to me ear, "Ready?" louis whispered.

i nodded. he took of my blindfold and i gasped in awe as i saw what stood in front of me. there was a blue clear lake and tall trees around us. green grass brushed against my leg and i look to where louis walked and there, laid a beautiful picnic between two trees and fairy lights that hung around it.

different platters of food laid on the picnic and i never realised how hungry i was. i was awestruck.

"Louis..." i look at louis who smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Do you like it?"

I scoffed, "Do i like it? Do i like it? Louis, i fucking love it!" i ran and pulled him into a hug.

"I don't think i could kill you with a picnic basket could i?" he joked as we broke from the hug.

i slapped him on the arm, "Oh shut it. I didn't know where we were going."

he laughed and we sat down, gathering around the food. i watched, smiling happily as louis opened a jar of nutella and dipped a strawberry.

"What?" he asked as he ate.

"Thank you. This is beautiful." i looked around, taking it all in. this place felt too good to be true.

louis smirked, "How 'bout thanking me with a kiss?"

i rolled my eyes but my smile stayed. i scoot over closer and leaned in. as he closed his eyes, i grabbed a small breadstick, dipped it in nutella and smudged it onto his face.

he opened his eyes and swiped the chocolate off.

"You missed a spot there." i teased.

he scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Yeah? Well you've got a little something here." as soon as he said that, he wiped some nutella onto my cheek.

"Oh, you asked for it." i picked up a frosted cookie and smudged it on his face but his hand blocked it.

before he could get me back, i ran toward the lake. i could hear footsteps from behind me and my heart pulse quickens.

by the time i reached the lake, my feet swept off the grass and hands were wrapped around my waist lifting me up.

"No!" i shriek, laughing. our laughter dies down as he turns me around incredibly close to his face.

"You've got chocolate there." i snickered.

he chuckled and raise a brow, "Guess we're twinning then?"

i wrap my arms around his neck, "Guess so."

his eyes flicker down to my lips and he places his lips on mine. he pulls me closer and i tangle my hands in his hair.

he tasted sweet like honey. something i'll never get bored of. goosebumps form on my arms as he moves his hand to the back of my neck, his cold rings against my warm skin.

i pull away and take in the view. his messy hair sat perfectly and his skin, glowing from the sun. His soft pink lips begging me to kiss them again.

So i did. And i swore i died.


writing this while my family is having a talk and i have to act like im not exploding inside omg.

this is longer than the first one but i hope you like it



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