jealous ᎒᎒ ❱

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❛ what jealous Louis would do ❜

( based on my opinions and thoughts ! )

- wraps his arms around your waist
and places his chin on your shoulder
  when you talk to other guys.

- calls you nicknames like darling
or love purposely loud to let
people know you're his.

- pulls you really close and
makes plans for the two
of you in front of them.

- he'd definitely clench his
  jaw and stares at guys up
and down.

- drapes his arm over your
  shoulder and kisses your cheek.

- switches attention from you
  and the person you're talking to.

- would be really quite after
  they leave, "What's wrong?"__
"Nothing."__ "Lou."__ "Fine!..them."

- rolls his tongue around the
   inside of his mouth in jealousy.

- would have to assure him
many times that you guys
are just friends

- after realising that you guys are
just friends he calms down and
then ends up being besties with them
( only the loyal ones tho )

- very protective over you

- tries everything to get your
attention on him and not them.

- if he sees your 'friend' looking
at you in a way they've taken interest,
he'd smirk and steals a kiss from you
and pulls ur waist closer

( ^ giving me very enzo vibes )

- clenches both jaw and fists

- moodier than a girl on their period.

- lets not lie, we all know you like
it when he's jealous tho.

- expect lots of attention from him
and back hugs are EXPECTED.

- squeezes your hand as a signal
that he's jealous and he wants
to leave.

- if he left you and comes back to
see a guy talking with you he'd come
and say "Hey, love." kisses you and
looks at the guy up and down,
"Who's this?"


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