sunrise ☆༻

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❛ sunrise and beaches ❜

"Lou, it's fucking 3 in the morning." I complained in a yawn, "What are we doing up so early? I should be asleep dreaming of Andrew Garfield."

Louis scoffed and rolled his eyes, "That makes me want to wake you up early more, knowing you dream of Andrew, not me. Besides, I figured it would be a fun idea to go to the beach."

I put on a warm sweater with my eyes half closed and brought my blanket that I've owned since I was 5, "But why three? We could've left at four or something. I would rather get a drunk phone call from you than go to the beach."

"Y/n are you seriously adding an Arctic Monkeys reference right now?" Louis shook his head as he take the car keys off the hanger and puts his coat on.

"Um, yeah?" I defended, "Arctic Monkeys is my baby."

"No, I am." He grabs my hand and shoves me out the door.

The sky was still dark but you could tell it was dawn. I smirk, "Jealous?"

"Fuck off and get in the car." He badgered.

I groan and hop in the vehicle, straddling myself in my blanket. The air was cold so I immediately turned the heater.

"How'd you wake up so early anyway?" I yawn and rub my eyes.

Louis shrugged and turned the car on, "I guess I'm not that deep of a slumber as you are. I put an alarm for me to wake."

He reached for the radio and turned it up. I was about to close my eyes before Lou changed the music to something less relaxing—more...pop.

He laughed, "I'm not letting you sleep again."

"What? You've got to be bloody joking!" I scoff.

"No, I'm afraid not darling. I'm not driving with a sleeping Y/n when I can talk to her."

"I hate you."

"The feeling's mutual." We both know that we don't actually mean it. It was our own way of saying 'I love you'.

My stomach rumbled, "Did you pack food at least?"

He took something out of his pocket, a chocolate bar and gave it to me.

"Chocolate for breakfast. Yum." I say half sarcastically. I mean, I didn't mind chocolate but i was craving more of a 'breakfast worthy' food. Oh well, that's what you get when your boyfriend takes you out at three in the morning.

"Don't worry love, I did pack food." Louis said as he read my face like a book, "Have chocolate for now. We're setting up a picnic when we arrive."

"You're." I corrected, "I'm not the one waking up to see the sunrise at the beach," I took a bite out of the bar.

Lou rolled his eyes, "You'll be thanking me once the sun rises. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have a beautiful picture in your camera roll."

I scoff and tighten the blanket, "Mhm, and since when have I took a picture of a sunrise?"

"When we arrive. You've never been motivated enough to actually watch a sunrise so let me be your first."


When we got to the beach, the sky was lighter than when we left.

The cold air passed me and the strands of my hair stood up. Louis opened the back trunk and started walking me to the beach.

By the time we arrive, it was already five. We made a few stops on the way here.

"Fucking hell it's cold." I say through my chittering teeth, "Doesn't the sunrise at 7?"

( i searched on google and thats what it says so londoneers dont come at me!! 😭 )

"That's the thing. We're not in London."

I slightly frowned, "Oh."

"Yeah, oh." He mocked. I roll my eyes and shoved him off as we sat on the picnic blanket. We set it near the ocean, but not too close so we don't get wet.

That was until Louis decided to drag me near the water, "Louis it's too cold!" I complained.

"Stop being a fucking baby Y/n. Come on! Have fun!" He scolded.

I hesitate for a few minutes before the look on Louis' face when he dips his feet in the water made me curious. I roll the ends of my sweats and dip my foot in.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. Okay, that is fucking cold." I gasped.

Lou just laughed at me and dragged me deeper.

We continued to play in the water before settling down with some food Louis packed.

Slowly, a bright ombré of orange and yellow came up and I slightly gasped, clutching onto Louis' hand, "Holy shit. It's the sunrise!"

"Good girl! You know what a sunrise is!" He teased. I ignored him and took a few photos of the sun. A flash suddenly blinded me for a few seconds before I turned to Louis who held a polaroid pic in his hand, shaking it.

"Louis!" I yelled. I tried to grab the Polaroid from his hand but he pulls it back, causing me to fall on his chest. I look up to see him smiling at me, "Thank you. For showing me the sunrise."

"Of course." His eyes glimmered between my lips before going back on my eyes. It was a small transition, but it told me enough. The world became to slow as I close my eyes. His hand laid on my neck and i feel our nose touch. It wasn't long before our lips crashed.

The kiss was soft, but filled with passion. My hands were softly clutching his hair as his other hand wraps around my waist, pulling me closer as he deepens the kiss. His tongue swiped the bottom of my lip before we pull away.

"You're missing the sunrise." He whispered.

"No biggie. You can take me here again."


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