live ੈ

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❛ started on live ❜

Me and Louis are co-workers. We have an amazing friendship off screen. We were so close that people started making rumours of us having a secret relationship.

What they don't know is that we both love to flirt platonically. It was a me-and-louis thing.

We were comfortable with it though, we made sure of it.

It was 1 in the afternoon and I had a free schedule. I wasn't active much on social media, since I can never find the motivation to check notifications so today, I decided to go live.

My fans were quick to join—most likely because it was a rare thing for me to do. I barely post, let alone go live.

"Hey guys, sorry for the IA. I was busy doing work, acting. Y'know. The usual shit." I announced.

People started to comment things and one of them commented, 'Could you do a q&a?"

"Yeah, of course!" As i was about to try put the Q&A box, i got a text from Louis.

fav roadman 🥶🥶😈🙏
Otw with snacks !!

I read it and looked to the comments where people were asking what happened.

I chuckle slightly and shook my head, "Sorry loves, just got a notification from Louis. He's coming over with snacks so don't be surprised if you see him. Okay, back to the Q&A."

I struggle to find the Q&A box but eventually, i pressed it. People started to swarm me with questions.

'Why is Louis coming over?'

"Oh, me and louis always do this sort of movie marathon. Tonight we'll be watching Pirates of the Caribbean—my pick." I winked.

I take a slight pause before speaking, "Oh god, that reminded me of the Uber Eats ad. Tonight, I'll be eating a big mac with fries and a mcflurry on the side."

Comments were filled with LMAOs and some with confusion. I smile and swiped to the next question.

'Are you working on anything big?'

"That is a good question., sadly. But!! I am working on a new movie and I'm really excited for you to see!"

'Not a question, but you're really pretty!'

I felt a blush on my cheek and smile. I can never take a compliment normally like other people. Even if a stranger compliments me, i always get flustered.

"Thank you oh my god! That's so sweet of you! You're really pretty, handsome, beautiful too! I know it."

As I was about to read the next question, my doorbell rang. From my kitchen stool i yelled, "Who is it?"

"Louis." A muffled voice replied from the other side of the door.

I raised a brow, "Don't you have your own copy?"

"Oh shit, yeah. I forgot."

I roll my eyes and look to my phone camera, "Believe it or not, but Louis is a big dumbass outside cameras, trust me."

When my supporters heard the name Louis, they freaked out. My viewers were getting higher and questions exploded.

Eventually, Louis came in with two bags filled with snacks, "What you doing there, love?" He calls me nicknames which was normal in our friendship. I call him darling sometimes.

"Going live."

He stopped and stood hesitantly, "Are you okay? Is this the same y/n i befriended??"

"Oh, sod off for fucks sake. I'm just bored waiting for your ass to come. Plus, i finally have a free schedule."

He dropped the bags on the kitchen counter and stands behind me, wrapping his arm around my neck and places his chin on my head as he chewed gum.


"Thanks, but i'm pretty sure it's just me, not plural." I commented.

Louis scoffed and rolled his eyes, "That's 'cause i'm the hot one, not cute."

"Yeah? I don't know about that one, Lou."

'can you guys just start dating already, omg.'

"What do you say y/n?" Louis smirked.

I looked up, "Oh, louis. You're so handsome! Please date me! I beg you." I say in a high-pitched voice, teasing him.

He leans closer and my breath quickens, realising how close our faces were, "Bet. But first, buy me dinner."

I rolled my eyes and turn back to the live, "I'm buying dinner for no man."

"Alright then, I'll buy dinner." Louis says from behind.

I knew people were recording my live and i knew it won't be long till people start to edit us and freak out.

Maybe i should play along—it'd be funny.

"Fine, but i get to pick where." I grinned.

Louis threw his hands up, "Fine by me."


"I don't know. You tell me," i turn around, "Lou, is this real? Is it finally happening?"

"Imagine if it is." Louis taunted my fans.

They started freaking out even more and i hid my laughter. Apart of me felt guilty for making them so worked up but i kinda wanted to see what happened if my and Lou were a thing.

It was like a glimpse of a possible future.

'HOLD ON. we need proof that u guys are dating . 🤨'

"Who says we are? Louis hasn't bought me dinner yet."

"Yet." Lou added.


"What happened with the questions? It's called Q&A for a reason." I snorted

"And we'll answer it truthfully." Louis added.

'what do you guys like about each other?'

I turn to louis and examine him, "There's nothing to like about Louis."

"That, people, is because y/n y/l/n loves me."

I made a pfft noise and scoffed, "False information has been detected."

"No, your system is just wired wrong."

"Are you calling me a robot or something, Louis Partridge?"

He eyed me suspiciously, "I don't know, are you?"

More questions came and after a few minutes, I was wrapping it up, "Thank you guys for an amazing time but unfortunately, i have to end the live or else me and louis will have to stay up until 6 in the morning before we finish all jack sparrow movies."

I press the end button and looked to louis who was putting his coat on.

"Where do you think you're going?" I asked him.

He picked up his car keys and looks at me with a smirk, "I'm buying you dinner. Now come on."


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