jealousy ⋆ฺ ✸

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❛ jealous, not mad ❜

I was shopping with my boyfriend, Louis for some clothes. I had recently cleaned my wardrobe and wanted to renew it, so here we are, shopping.

Lou was at another store, buying some snacks and drinks when a guy came up to me.

"Excuse me, hi." He said. He was slightly taller by a few centimetres, dirty blonde hair, green eyes and wore a jacket and some sweats. It seemed like he was French—hearing the thick accent in his voice

I gave him a polite smile, "Hi, uh- can I help you?"

"Uh, yeah, actually, I'm new here in London. I'm from France and I recently moved."

I smiled, "Oh! That's cool! Je m'appelle Y/n, enchanté de faire votre connaissance."

( idk if thats the correct term to say nice to meet you, i used google translate since im not the fluent with my french )

"Ah, you speak French?" He asked amused.

I chuckled and shook my head, "No, not really, juste un petit peu."

just a little bit

"Ah, but votre français est courant." He smiled.

your french is fluent

"Really? Merci, oh my god." I laughed.

Suddenly a strong pair of hands wrapped around my waist from behind and a kiss was placed on my neck, "Hey love."

Louis rocked my body side to side as he checks him out, "Who's the guy?" He asked bitterly.

But the blondie didn't seem to notice the tone Lou was using, "Oh, I am Leo. Pleasure to meet you."

He stuck his hand out and Louis looked at it before reluctantly shaking it, "Louis. Her boyfriend."

"Ah, I see. I am sorry, I needed help since I am new here. I moved from France recently." Leo said, "You're girlfriend is very nice and beautiful."

I didn't know if Leo was trying to compliment me or trying to make Louis even more mad that he did.

"I know. Why do you think I like her?"

I exhaled and scratched the back of my head awkwardly. It was kind of normal for this to happen, but I didn't mind.

I kinda liked it when Louis' jealous.

Leo cleared his throat, noticing the tension rising and nodded, "Alright, well goodbye. Merci." He said to me before leaving.

"Au revoir!" I wave.

As soon as Leo left, Louis pulled my body to face him, "What the fuck did you just say?"

I raise a brow, "Goodbye in French?"

"So you're speaking French with him now?" He scoffed.

But I'll admit, it does get a little tiring when it comes to convince him that I have no strings attached with the guy.

"Louis I literally took French. You took it with me, you big dumb idiot!"

He grumbled to himself, knowing I won the argument and took me to the car.

The walk was silent until we got to the vehicle.

"You can't possibly be mad at me, Lou. He needed help!"

"Who said I was mad?" Louis asked.

"But you're jealous?"

He stopped doing whatever he was doing and turned to face me, "You're an idiot if you expect me not to. Of course I get bloody jealous! It takes everything in me not to snap a guy's fucking neck when I catch them staring at you."

Usually, I would have something to say, but this time i was speechless.

He leaned closer, "But i'm not mad. In fact, I kinda feel sorry for them. Wanna know why? Because you're mine and you know that."

I took in every detail from his hair, to his jawline, to his eyes and to his lips. From there, I close the gap between us, pushing my lips onto his as his hand goes on my neck.

I was about to pull away before Louis took notice and clutched my shirt, making me stay. Butterflies exploded in my stomach as I let a soft hum.

Finally, he pulls away, but our nose remain touching, "Might have to snog you in-front of everyone who gives stares." He said.

I laughed and shook my head, "God you're so annoying."

"Je t'aime aussi."

i love you too


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