Chapter Two

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Once we made it upstairs Emily demanded me to the floor. She circled around me looking me up and down, a blunt was between her fingers now. I swallowed hard as I watched her, something about the way she looks smoking, the veins in her hands and those long fingers. My stomach clenches as she smiles down at me winking. I whimper out.

"Oh is the little slut horny? You want to be my little bitch tonight don't you?" I bite my lip nodding, she leans down and grabs me face. "Open your mouth and speak, now!"

"Yes sir, I want to be your little bitch" my chest heaves up and down. She puts the blunt up to my lips and I pull from it 3 times before hitting it again. I watched as she walked over to the side table, she put the blunt out and grabbed some rope from her bag.

"Now, I'm going to tie you up and use your pretty little mouth and treat you like the slut you are" I sat still as she tied rope around my body leaving my arms by side and hands resting on my thighs. After she got done she stripped from her clothing, her cock was already hard, I licked my lips staring at it. She licked her hand and brought it down to stroke her cock.

She walked over to me and leaned down kissing me, her tongue swirled around in my mouth and I moaned loudly into her mouth, a flood of wetness coming out of me as my pussy clenched with pleasure. She then reached up and put my hair in a ponytail.

"Open your mouth" she said as she stood up in front of me. I open my mouth and stick my tongue out. She slowly starts to slide her cock in my mouth, I open wider so she can go deeper until she's touching the back of my throat, my eyes start to water as she holds it there. She finally pulls my head back and I have spit running down my chin.

"More sir" she grabbed my ponytail hard as she started fucking my mouth, spit was building up in my mouth then dripping out. She shoved her cock all the way down my throat and held it there as she slapped my face.

"Such a good girl, so polite to daddy" I whimper around her cock as she starts fucking my mouth again, I have tears leaking down my face as she destroys my mouth, I'm going to be sore for a minute. She finally pulls back.

"Thank you sir" she walks over to her bag and pulls out a flogger, it's deer skin straps that you hit someone with. It's such a turn on of mine. I loved being hit. She circles around me rubbing the flogger along my skin. I shiver as she does so.


I see Jennifer shiver as I run the flogger across her back before I pull back and hit her with it. She gasps out jumping. I smile as I watch her squirm.

"Why did you want me to use your body tonight?" I ask as I stroke the flogger against her back again.

"Because I'm yours"

"Mmm good girl" I untie her and pull her up to her feet before throwing her on the bed. "Face down ass up please." She does as I say and I reach over grabbing some handcuffs. "Hands behind your back" she places them behind her back and I cuff them together. I step away and grab a paddle.

"This is for touching yourself before I got here.. Even though I enjoyed it you still have to be punished"

"I'm sor-" I bring the paddle down against her ass cheek. "Fuck!"

"You don't speak until I tell you too. Understood?!"

"Yes sir!"

"Good girl, count to ten" I bring the paddle down again and she gasps out a "1" I keep going until we reach ten, her juices are leaking down her thighs, her red ass spread for me. I place the paddle down and lick my thumb. I spread her ass cheeks and slowly rub my thumb around her asshole.

"Fuuuuk.." she moans out quietly. I smirk as she pushes back against my thumb. I slowly slip it in as she clenches. I rub her back.

"Relax.." she relaxes as I slide more of my thumb in, I reach under her and start rubbing her clit. She arches up.

"Please sir" she breathes heavily. Her hands are clasped tightly together.

"Please what slut?"

"Make me cum!"

"I think you can wait" I pull my thumb out and keep rubbing her clit. I stand up spit on my dick, I pull my hand away from her clit and guide my cock into her ass. God she's so tight and warm. "Fuck Jennifer, you're so tight for daddy"

"Yes sir. Stretch me out, destroy me" I growl and grab her arms pushing her more into the bed as I start pounding into her ass. Her moans and groans are bouncing off the walls.

"Please let me cum. Please, please, please!" She begs as I slow down, thrusting long and deep inside of her. I grab her ponytail and wrap it around my hand. My other hand comes up and grabs her neck squeezing as I pick up speed again.

"You're such a fucking slut letting me fuck this tight little ass. Such a good girl. I love hearing you beg" I push her away from my cock as I stand there staring down at her, she whimpers loudly from the loss. I uncuff her and flip her over before re-cuffing her hands above her head. I grab the spreader bar and place the straps on each of her legs. I stand back and stare at her as she lays there. I grab the nipple clamps and secure them to her hard nipples.

"Who's slut are you?"

"Yours sir"

"Good girl" I pin her legs back and make her grab the bar. I grab a vibrator and turn it on the max speed. I watch as her stomach clenches with anticipation, I barely touch her skin with it as I run it down her legs.

"Please" she whimpers out as I let the vibrator rest above her pussy barely touching her. "FUCK!" She yells out as I place it against her clit holding it there. I climb on the bed fully and get between her legs. I grab my cock with my other hand and tease her asshole with it before slowly pushing in never taking the vibrator away.

"You're so polite to daddy tonight, such a good girl"

"Yes sir, I'm your good girl!" I grab her hands and make her hold the vibrator as I fuck her ass. "I need to cum sir please can I cum?" Her eyes are closing and I can see them rolling back, her neck is strained as she pushes her head back against the bed. Her stomach is tight against my hands as I keep pounding, deeper now.

"Cum for me slut!" As soon as those words leave my mouth, her ass squeezes my cock until I can't move and she's squirting all over my stomach.

"Thank you sir!" I pull out of her and unlock her from everything.

"We are going to take a break for now. Go get cleaned up and I'll meet you back here in 20 minutes." I watch as she goes into the bathroom. I head downstairs to get the other supplies. This should be fun.


👀👀 I mean.. Can Emily do this to me or is that too much?

Hope you guys are enjoying! 🥰 also, completely forgot about the song but this chapter is amazing without it!

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