Chapter Three

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When I walked out of the bathroom I was met by Emily with a glass of champagne and another blunt, of course. She led me over to the balcony I had. I shiver a little as we walk outside. She stood behind me kissing on my neck and shoulders. I was getting goosebumps with every kiss.

"You ready for round two?" I turn towards her smiling.

"Always" she smiles and places a kiss against my lips. She grabs the glass and blunt from me.

"The table I brought up, climb on to it. Naked please" I nodded and headed over to the table she brought up. I carefully climbed on to it laying down. It was cold against my back as I laid there waiting. I jumped when her hand landed on my leg. She grabbed each ankle and bent my legs so my feet were resting against the table. I felt rope being tied around them with my legs spread open.

"Hands above your head please" I raised my arms holding them above my head, I felt her tie ropes around them as well. A blindfold was then placed over my eyes. "Your word is Mercy, you're mine tonight. Whatever I say you do. Is that understood?"

"Yes sir" I swallow hard and clasp my hands together as I wait for her to touch me. I felt something soft on my skin as I laid there, it circled around my nipple making me arch up and shudder. I licked my lips as it trailed down my stomach then over each thigh.

It stopped then I heard her speak, "We are using the metal nipple clamps." I love when she warns me before doing anything, that makes me fall deeper in love with her. I nod my head and I gasp when the first one is clamped on, she always adds a drop of heating oil whenever we use these. She flicks at them and my stomach clenches with pleasure and pain.

I heard the sounds of a vibrator before I felt it against my clit. My hips jerk at the contact, "Fuck!" I moan out. Her hand is rubbing up my stomach to my neck, she applies pressure as she turns the vibrator up even more. The sound of my wetness is buzzing against it as my orgasm creeps up.

"Does my little slut need to cum already?" Emily says into my ear. I nod my head as my toes start to curl.

"Please" I whimper as she flicks against the nipple clamps again, I try to close my legs to relieve the pressure but the ropes are making that difficult.

"Please what?"

"Can I cum please sir?"

"How do you want to cum Jennifer?"

"Your fingers please!" Her hand trails back down my body, I feel her slide her middle and ring fingers into me. She tilts them a little so she hits my spot over and over as she fucks me. I feel myself getting closer with each thrust.

"Pull out!" She pulls her fingers out and I start squirting all over the table, my body shakes against the table as I cum, her fingers slide back in and I feel myself cumming again.

"MERCY!" I yell out as my 4th orgasm of the night ends. She takes the blindfold off and unties me. I lay there breathing hard.

"You okay?" She asks helping me sit up. I sit there trembling still. I run a hand through my hair as I try to reconnect with everything around me.

"Yes, I need water, please"

"Okay baby, hold on" she runs into the bathroom to grab me a glass of water. I gulp it down as soon as she hands it to me. She lets me rest for 10 minutes.

"Do you want to continue or get into bed?" I chewed on my lip as I thought about it.

"Uh.. Can I ride you?" I blush when I ask that. There's something about riding Emily and watching her face as she cums.

"Of course baby, whatever you want" she picks me up and I wrap my legs around her waist as she carries me over to the bed. I kiss on her neck as she sits down on the bed, she holds me around the waist as she scoots up to the middle of the bed.

"Fuck Jennifer" she groans out as I suck on her pulse point, I feel her cock between my legs jump. I reach between us slightly lifting up and sliding back down on her cock.

"Yesss" I hiss out as she stretches me out, I sit up and place my palms against her shoulders as I start moving my hips, grinding on her cock. My clit is hitting her stomach with every grind. "God your cock feels amazing" she sits up and wraps her arm around my waist, I grab her face smashing our lips together.

"Fuck I'm going to cum Jennifer" I push her back down and grab her throat applying pressure.

"Is sir gonna give me all her cum? Huh? You gonna let me milk that cock for my pleasure? I wanna feel it deep inside of me." I lean down and breathe against her lips, her hands are gripping my ass as she pounds up into me. I feel my orgasm approaching.

"Fuck IM CUMMING!" She growls loudly into my ear as her cum shoots into me, my orgasm follows hers as I shudder. I lay down on top of her as we get our breathing back under control.

"That was amazing, '' she says after a while. I sit up and climb off of her slowly. I pad into the bathroom and get the shower going for us. She follows me and we both climb in. I grab her washcloth and start cleaning her body off. I love taking care of her.

"I love you Jennifer" she says, I stop and stare at her. She backs me up against the wall and I stare at her as the water runs down over her face.

"Show me how much then" I smirk at her. She grabs my face and fuses our lips together as we go another round in the shower.


Do y'all want a bonus chapter or? 👀 because we can make this a weekend thing for the girls.

Hopefully you guys enjoyed the book! 💖

Thanks for always showing love!

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