Chapter Five

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Contains: Drug use.

From Diplomatic Immunity


April 10th, 2018
Washington, D.C.
Jaruea Household

I haven't seen Emily in almost 3 weeks. She's been overseas with her parents for some political shit. I've missed her so much and I can tell because I've been snapping at everyone. I was so addicted to her. I didn't think I was ever going to see her until I got the message.

"Come over at 9pm please."

I stared at the message, licking my lips. I squeezed my thighs together with the thought of what she's going to do to me. I couldn't wait to see her. I looked at the time. 7pm. I jumped up running into my room to get ready. I stripped from my clothes and jumped into the shower. I started with my hair so the conditioner could sit. After that I moved on to shaving, I wanted to feel her hands glide over my skin as she railed me into the bed. I shudder at the thought. I rinsed my body then finished my shower getting out.

I dried myself off then put on my favorite lotion Mario Badescu Apricot, Emily loved the smell of it, it drove her insane. Next I went to my hair, brushing it out then drying it, I didn't bother much with it. I did a light make up then got up going in my closet.

I picked out a cute lingerie piece, I couldn't think of anything to wear. I chewed on my lip as I stood in my closet looking at all the clothes. I finally decided on a short black dress with my red bottoms. I got dressed then sprayed some of my perfume, Black Opium. Emily got it for me and it's my go to scent now. I got my purse and go bag together, I grabbed my phone and keys then headed out the door.

I tried not to speed on my way to her place. I couldn't wait to be in her arms, her hands rubbing all over my body as she fucks me into a pile of nothing. I wanted to beg for her. God, I'm such a mess for her.

I pulled into her apartment parking garage and got out, getting into the elevator. I took it up to her floor and got off when it dinged. I walked to her door and knocked. I didn't know why I was so nervous. I almost jumped when the door opened and she stepped into view. I ran my eyes over her as she stood there like a tall glass of wine.

"Hi," I whispered. She smiled at me and waved, "Come on in" I walked past her and got a whiff of her cologne, it made me clench as I tried to walk straight. I made my way into the living room placing my bags on the chair.

I felt her come up behind me and sweep my hair to the side, I leaned my head over as her lips grazed my neck. I whimper out as she takes my ear lobe between her lips.

"Emily.." She pulls away and sits on the couch, I stand there staring at her, "Strip for me Jennifer" I watched as she lights up a blunt. There was something about the way she inhaled the smoke, the way the smoke floated into her nose then her blowing it out. I started swaying my hips as I took my clothes off. I turned and bent over as I slipped the dress down my legs. I looked over my shoulder

and notice the way she was staring at me like I was a piece of meat.

"Jennifer.." she whispered out as she saw the lingerie I was wearing. I became so submissive at that moment. I wanted her to rip it off of me. The way she stared at me licking her lips made me clench. I whimpered as she stood up walking over to me. She ran a finger across my stomach as she circled around me, sending goosebumps all over my body.

"You look so delicious.. Is this all for me?"

"Yes, it's all for you. I've missed you"

"Oh baby girl. I've missed you too."


I threw Jennifer on the bed as we finally made it to my room.

"Limits?" I asked as I stripped from my clothes.

"No. I'm yours. You own me tonight, do whatever." I swallowed hard and my cock jumped. She climbed off the bed and got on her knees in front of me. She looked up at me through long eyelashes. She placed kisses on my stomach as she palmed me through my boxers. She gripped the top of my boxers and slipped them down my legs. I kicked them aside as she grabbed my cock kissing the tip. I stared down at her as her mouth wrapped around my tip.

"Fuck" I said as I touched the back of her throat. I wrapped one hand around her throat while the other gripped the back of her head. I fucked her mouth until she had spit running down her chin.

"That's right. Gag on my cock. Good girl" I said, praising her as she took all my cock into her mouth. I pulled back letting her breathe.

"Thank you sir" I pulled her up to her feet, throwing her on the bed.

"What's your word for tonight?"

"Mercy sir"

"Good girl" I got on the bed laying down between her legs. I could smell her scent as I laid there kissing her thighs. She was already squirming around on the bed. I spread her legs pushing them back. "Hold them back" she grabs her thighs holding them back as I kiss her clit.

"Oh fuck" she says as my tongue circles around her clit before pulling it between my lips. "Yes please" I looked up and noticed her head thrown back. Her chest is heaving up and down. I bring my hand up and slide two fingers inside of her, she clenches around them.

"Oh you're so tight baby, you want me to stretch you out?"

"Yes please. Stretch my pussy out. It's yours"


TO BE CONTINUED... 👀 it's about to go down in the next chapter.

Stay tuned and please don't comment "Update" 🙄

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