Chapter Four

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I woke up the next morning before Emily. She was sound asleep on her stomach snoring. I smiled softly at her before getting up and going into the bathroom. I did my morning routine before heading downstairs to make us breakfast. It was pretty ugly outside today so I figured we would stay inside and relax with one another.

I first started by putting the bacon on followed by me making the pancakes. I put blueberries inside of Emily's because that's what she likes. I then got the coffee started. I knew she would eventually smell the food and come stumbling into the kitchen half asleep looking for me.

As I stood there making the eggs, I heard the sounds of Emily finally waking up, she's not very graceful in the mornings.

"Good morning" she said as she walked into the kitchen and over to me. She hugged me from behind, her arms tight around me.

"Good morning, you sleep okay?" She started swaying me side to side as I finished the breakfast.

"Mm, I did until you got out of bed. I was like a lost puppy waking up" I rolled my eyes as I felt her pout against my neck.

"Go sit down so we can eat you big baby"


"So, what's our plans for the day?" Emily asked as we laid on the couch now. We had her guilty pleasure show playing in the background, American Dad.

"Well, I thought that maybe we could stay in and just relax. It's pretty ugly outside. News said it's supposed to rain all day. ''She's laying between my legs with her head on my stomach as I play with her hair. Her arms are wrapped around me.

"That sounds like fun.. But, instead of relaxing how about we do something else.." I felt her hands rub across my back as they came around to the front. Next thing I know my legs are spread and she's between them kissing me with everything she had in her. My legs were bent up on the sides of her, I could feel her cock rubbing against my pussy as we grind against one another.

"Fuck baby" I whimper out as she kisses my neck. Her hands slide under the nightshirt I'm wearing. I gasp at the feeling of her cold hands. "Fuck me please" I feel her reach between us and push her boxers down. She pushes my thong aside and slides her cock into me.

"Holy shit.." I say as she slides in deeper. Something about right now feels different than it did last night. Granted that last night was the BDSM side but now.. It feels like she's making love to me rather than fucking. She slides my shirt higher until I can pull it off.

"Yes please" I moan out as I feel her take a nipple between her lips sucking it as she slowly thrust in and out of me. I feel her veins against my walls and it makes me shudder. My whole body is tingling from the sensation.

"You feel so amazing baby.. So tight and warm" she says into my ear. I gasp quietly when I feel her breath against my ear. My hands come up and tangle in her hair holding her close to me as she picks up speed. My toes are curling as I wrap my legs around her.

"Please don't stop baby, you feel so amazing!" I feel tears come to my eyes. I feel her sit up and I open my eyes staring up at her. She grabs my neck as she pounds into me.

"You're so polite to me baby. Letting me fuck this tight pussy whenever I want to" she rubs her hands up and down my body, I'm breathing harder and faster. I lick my lips as my eyes start rolling back. It feels like I'm having an outer body experience. My senses are on an overload right now.

"Yes daddy it's yours, please don't stop fucking me" she adjusts herself and I feel her hit a spot inside of me that makes my eyes slam shut. "FUCK RIGHT THERE!" I arch up as her thumb starts rubbing around my clit.

"You're so fucking beautiful" she lays back down on top of me, I grind up against her, my clit rubbing against her stomach.

"Fuck I'm gonna cum daddy" I say shakily into her ear. My legs are starting to shake as my orgasm builds up. I can't see straight and our bodies are sweaty against one another's. "Please make me cum, please"

She slows down her thrusting as she long strokes me, I wrap an arm around her neck as the other hand grips at the couch.

"FUCK IM CUMMING!!" I yell out as I start shaking cunning around her cock. I hear her moaning and grunting as she cums inside of me.

"God I fucking love you Jennifer" I place kisses against her shoulder and neck as we lay there catching our breath. My hands are rubbing up and down her back.

"I love you too Emily, so much" I feel her cock getting hard again. "Really?" I say chuckling.

"What? I have a beautiful ass angel laying underneath me with my cock still inside of her and you expect it not to get hard again?" I let out a loud laugh as she kissed my neck and slowly started thrusting into me. My breath catches as she does that.

"Show me how much you love"

"I'll spend all day showing you"

And that's exactly what we did. We fucked on the floor, on the kitchen table, on the island, in the bathroom, on my balcony, and also in her car in the parking lot of Target later that night. We had gone out to get cookies and ice cream but with her touching on my thigh, we had to take a fuck break.

She's so intoxicating, one small touch from her drives me wild and gets me soaked. I guess that's what happens when you're in love and the sex is OUTSTANDING.

Once we make it back home, we make the cookies before heading upstairs with our ice cream as well, to watch Sex and The City. And that's how we spent our day, ending it with a goodnight kiss and the whispers of "I love you" as we fell into a deep sleep clutching at one another.

"We are made of particles that have existed since the moment the universe began. I like to think those atoms traveled 14 billion years through time and space to create us so that we could be together and make each other whole." - The Big Bang Theory



Okay this book has turned into smut central' and I'm completely okay with that. I hope you guys enjoyed it! Stay tuned for more books and more chapters with my on going books.

I appreciate all the love and support. You guys are absolutely amazing. I love you guys so much and if you don't say it back.

YOUR MOMS HOE 🤷🏾‍♀️ I don't make the rules.


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