Chapter Nine

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Contains: drugs, strap-on, minor anal play.

Lengthy Chapter!


July 24nd, 2016
Seattle, Washington
Lotte Hotel Seattle

It's my birthday week and Paget has set up a little getaway for us. We celebrated with the cast and our families on my actual birthday before heading out. It wasn't uncommon for us to go out of town together. The only thing different was that we are kinda in a down low relationship. We expressed our feelings for one another one night after Nate and I had a fight. Then things just started from there.

I'm not one to go all out for my birthday. I like to keep it simple but ever since I got with Paget, I get spoiled nonstop. Whether it's with flowers, my favorite snacks, or sex. Oh God is the sex amazing. She's such a dominant person when it comes to the bedroom. It's like I get taken to another place when we are together. Especially since Aisha and Shemar introduced us to high sex. When they told us, they probably didn't think that we would use it with each other.

Luckily for us, our room had a balcony attached to it. Before we arrived at the hotel, we stopped at a local grocery store and got some food to cook and eat on. We planned on staying in the room most of the time. After we arrived at the room, Paget immediately left, telling me she would be right back after going to pick something up.

I knew she had probably gotten me a gift ordered while she was here, I'm used to it now. While she was gone that gave me time to shower and get myself ready. I bought this beautiful lingerie piece for US to enjoy. You only turn 38 once. I first started by lighting a few candles and turning on some music. We both have a secret obsession with R&B music.

Next, I got into the bathroom to start the shower. This room has the most amazing bathroom with a rainfall shower head. I strip from my clothes and climb into the shower. I know I have a good hour or so until she gets back. I start by shaving, again. Then I move on to exfoliating my whole body with my Dove exfoliating cream. I follow by washing my body with my Dove body wash. Original scent of course. After I'm done with my shower, I climb out and immediately put my body oil on so it can soak in while I do my hair and makeup.

After, I'm done with all that I have a little under 20 minutes to get ready. I go into the bedroom and walk over to the bed where my outfit is waiting. It was a Playboy exclusive lingerie piece. After I had Phoenix it was hard for me to lose weight again. He turned a year old yesterday actually and he had Paget wrapped around his finger. I think that's why it was so easy for us to be doing this.

She for one likes the extra weight, it made my clothes fit a little bit better and she loved to cuddle with me. She's a big baby if we are being honest, especially on the lazy days on set.

After I got dressed, I sat in the chair we had in the corner of the room. Not even 2 minutes later, I heard the door opening.

"Hey, I'm bac—" I smirk when I see her eyes widening. She places the bags down and takes off her jacket and shoes walking over to me. I stood up and met her halfway. "You look.. Holy shit" I giggle and wrap my arms around her neck. Her hands find my hips, pulling me close to her.

"Do you like it?" I pull back and do a spin for her.

"I love it.. So delicious." She grabs me, pulling me back to her. She starts kissing me.

"God, I love your mouth" I moan. I feel her hands slide down and grab my ass, pulling me closer. I inhale her scent, my hands reach up and tangle in her hair. "Wait, we can't get started yet." She groans, pulling away.

"Well, you can't just sit around like that then. You know I can't resist you"

"I know that's why I love doing it" she rolls her eyes and goes back over to the bags, bringing them over to me. I noticed a Prada bag, a Tiffany & Co bag, and a Christian Louboutin bag as well. I swear she spoils me too much. And it's not like I can't buy these things myself because I can. She just chooses to do it for me.

"Happy Birthday baby" she says handing them over. I grab her face, pulling her in for a kiss.

"Thank you baby" she gets the weed ready while I open my gifts. I think my favorite gift would have to be the heels she got me. It matched with the lingerie I had on. After she was done, she went into the bathroom to shower quickly and get ready. I poured us some glasses of wine and took everything out to the balcony. It was so beautiful out tonight. I was leaning against the railing when I felt Paget come up behind me.

"Have I told you how amazing you look? Those shoes look so sexy on you.. I knew they would when I saw them." I whimper out when she pushes against me and I feel the strap she brought along with her.

"Maybe a few times but saying it more won't hurt." She pulls back and I turn towards her, running my eyes over her figure. She's wearing a sports bra and tight boxers that fit around the strap, outlining it perfectly. I lick my lips staring at her, ready to get the night started.

She sat down on the couch the hotel had on the balconies. I took my place in her lap. She had her hand on my thigh rubbing it. I grabbed the pre-rolled joint she picked up from a marijuana shop here, we hardly do this unless it's a special occasion. I was already turned on but I knew this would make things even worse but also better. I lit the joint up and took my first hit, letting the smoke coat my lungs. I took another hit before leaning down, blowing some in Paget's mouth.

We passed it back and forth as we sipped wine and talked. Her hand rubbed dangerously close to my pussy. I want her to take me right here on the balcony, treating me like a dirty slut.

"Are you going to fuck me or just tease?" I say quietly, staring at her, my bottom lip between my teeth. She smiles, chuckling a little.

"Get up and lean against the railing. Face the water" I swallow hard, getting up. She smacks my ass. I turn around, walking away. I walk over to the railing and grab it, before leaning forward, sticking my ass out. I look over my shoulder at her, waiting. She gets up and walks over to me slowly. My breathing is picking up with every step she takes. I close my eyes when her hands finally touch me. She leans down, kissing along my back down to my ass. She kisses over each cheek.

"Please" I whimper out when she teases me through my thong which I know is soaked now. "Fuuuuck" I groan out when I feel her move my thong to the side, tasting me. "Oh God" she spreads my cheeks and runs her tongue from the top of my pussy to my asshole, slowly sliding it in.

I reach back and grab the back of her head, keeping her close as she fucks my asshole. "Holy fuck" I feel her thumb rubbing circles around my clit, slowly. I can feel juices leaking down my thighs.

"You taste so amazing baby" she says, pulling back. She stands up behind me and pushes her boxers down. I moan out at seeing the new strap-on. It's a larger one with veins. My pussy throbs as I think about it stretching me out. She steps closer and grabs the cock, rubbing it hard against my clit. I arch my back and push back against her more.

"Fuck me Paget, please" I say batting my eyes at her. My eyes are low and my body is tingling already. It won't take much for me to cum.

She grabs me around the neck and brings me up, so my back is against her front. I spread my legs a little as she finally slides into me.

"Shit baby" her hands spread out against my stomach as she slowly thrust into me. Her lips attached to my neck.

"I love you so much Andrea."

"Fuck, I love you too Paget" she pushes me away and I grab the railing as she pounds into me.

Just wanna say having Paget fucking me is a dream come true. She knows how to handle me, how to push the right buttons, and how to make me cum at the drop of a dime. I think we fucked a total of 6 times that night and slept most of the morning and afternoon away the next day.

Hands down the best birthday I've ever had.


Yes, I skipped the smut.


Stay tuned for more of these, if there's a certain smut chapter you want, don't be afraid to private message me. 🥰

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