Chapter Seven

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WARNING: RATED M (obviously)

Contains: drugs, hair pulling, spit and anal play. The use of the words slut and sir.

*read in public, around your family, or wherever at your own risk. I'm not responsible for anything that happens to you while you read this. NO, I will not take care of the child if you happen to get pregnant. NO, I will not pay child support!

ENJOY 😈🏃🏾‍♀️💨


After I finally calmed down, it was time for another round. Emily was sitting in a chair facing the bathroom door with a blunt between her fingers.

"Come here Jennifer," she said to me. I walked over to her swaying my hips, I was still naked. I saw the way she stared at me, running her eyes over my body. She licked her lips tilting her head, a small smile coming to her face. I stopped in front of her.

"Yes sir?" I said staring down at her, she was also naked and her cock was still standing at attention begging for me to suck it. I licked my lips before pulling my bottom lip between my teeth.

"Get on your knees" I swallowed, sinking down my knees between her legs, it took everything in me not to grab her cock and shove it down my throat. "Would you like some?" She asked, holding out the blunt. I grabbed it and took a few hits before handing it back.

"May I please you?" I asked, staring at her cock again. My mouth was watering looking at it.

"You may" I leaned forward and placed a kiss against the tip, she let out a sigh leaning her head back. I took her into my mouth, moaning around it. I could still taste my cum on it. Fuck I loved that. I sat up a little, taking her deeper into my mouth. She grunts out lifting her hips.

"Fuck Jennifer" she reaches down and grabs a fist full of my hair pulling at it.

"God I love your cock sir" I spit on it and jerked it off with both hands as I sucked the tip swirling my tongue around it. I felt her stomach clench under my hands as I scraped my nails against her abs.

"You're such a good girl, are you gonna make me cum slut?"

"Yes sir, I want all your cum" she licks her lips watching me as I devour her cock. She tasted better than any guy I've been with. I love tasting her on my tongue. You know how you take your tongue and shove it all the way inside of an ice cream cone, JUST to get the last drop of cream at the bottom? That's basically what she tastes like, HEAVEN.

"Fuck, I'm gonna cum Jennifer. Holy fuck" she pushes me away and stands up stroking her cock fast. I stare up at her with my tongue out, my nails scraping up and down her thighs. "Fuuuuuck!" She grunts out as she throws her head back cumming into my mouth. I push her hands away, sucking her tip back into my mouth. I can feel her thighs trembling as I do that.

"Was I a good girl sir?" I sat back against my legs staring up at her with my bottom lip between my teeth. I wanted more of her so bad.

"That was amazing baby, come here" I stood up and wrapped my arms around her neck as she smashed our lips together, her hands massaging my ass cheeks. I whimpered into the kiss when I felt her get hard again. That's what I loved about Emily. She was always ready to go.

"Let's move this to the bed shall we?" I stepped away from her and grabbed her hand walking us over to the bed. I crawled onto the bed and arched my ass up spreading myself open. I heard her suck in air and I smiled into the pillow. I look over my shoulder at her and moan at the sight I was seeing. She was stroking her cock as she stared at me, mesmerized by what she was seeing.


I couldn't stop staring at Jennifer as she laid there with her ass in the air, dripping for me. I stepped over to the bed and stood by her. I licked my thumb and brought it down to her asshole slowly pushing in.

"Fuck" she hissed out gripping the covers above her head. I smiled sliding in deeper before grabbing my cock sliding into her tight cunt. She always sucked me right in. "Oh my god" she moaned, pushing back against me.

"Good girl" my other hand gripped her waist as I thrusted into her slow and deep. Teasing her. It drove her wild.

"Emily please fuck me" I pulled my thumb out and pushed her down flat against the bed, I held her down with one hand as I started pounding into her. "Holy fuck"

"This is what you wanted right? Me to pound this tight little cunt? You wanted me to use you right?"

"Yes sir, pl-please use me, you own me" she grunted out, I sweep her hair aside with my other hand and wrap it around her neck bringing her up a little so my mouth rest against her ear. I feel her swallow against my palm.

"You know, you're such a filthy girl. You're a fucking slut. How do you think your team members would feel knowing that you're getting railed by their number one suspect? That you whine for my cock when you're away from me. That I'm the one making those marks on your neck?"

"Please" she whines out as I slow down my thrusting. I pull out and flip her over. I grab her legs and spread them out, her feet resting against my stomach. I slide my cock back into her and her head falls back moaning out loudly. "You fill me up so good sir, thank you"

"My pleasure baby" I leaned down and kissed her, our tongues fighting against each other as I rolled my hips fucking her into the bed.

"Fuck, I'm cumming!" She yells out arching up against me, her hands claw at my back as I keep pounding, I sit back up and wrap my hands around her neck.

"You look so amazing taking my cock, you gonna cum again for me?" I hover over her as I keep my hands around her neck.

"Yes, I'm gonna cum so hard, please don't stop" she brings her hand down and starts rubbing her clit in time with my thrusts.

"Open your mouth slut" she opens her mouth and sticks her tongue out. I spit into her mouth and she moans out swallowing it. "You're perfect baby, cum for me" She digs her nails into my stomach as she cums hard shaking. She rolls her hips up against me so her clit hits my stomach.

"I'm cumming again, fuck!" I smile down at her as she cums, after she calms down I roll her onto her side and thrust back into her. I grip her hip as I pound into her rolling my hips. She clenches around me, I reach up and grab her hair pulling it hard. I lean down and kiss her neck. She reaches up and grabs the back of my head holding me close.

"You feel so amazing around my cock, so warm and tight, who owns this pussy?" I whisper into her ear.

"You do sir, please make me cum" I grunt into her ear as I feel my orgasm creeping up.

"Fuck I can't wait to cum inside of you. I should get you pregnant so I can have you all to myself. Make this cunt mine forever." She clenches some more. "Fuck Jennifer, you're gonna make me cum"

"God yes! Please Emily!" Her knuckles are white as she grips the covers tightly. Her stomach is tight against my palm. "Fuck fuck fuck! I'm cumming! Oh my god!" She yells out, I lean down smashing our lips together as my hips jerk. My cum shots into her covering her walls. We stayed like that for a few seconds before I pulled away laying down.

"Holy fuck that was amazing" she rolls over and snuggles against me, her left leg thrown over my waist, I bring my hand down and rub against it.

"That was mind blowing, holy shit. Are you hungry?" I let out a loud laugh as I pulled her into a kiss.


WELL THAT WAS 👀 that was worth the wait.

Hope you guys enjoyed the first part 😈 stay tuned for more.

Since we've had them explore BDSM, what type of smut would you like to see now? Leave your suggestions or inspirations in the comments!

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