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"Dodge Mason!" As soon as he was called he gave my hand a small squeeze and let go.

"Now lemme show you how a professional does it," he says walking backwards to taunt me as he leaves. He climbs the ladder and begins his walk just like everyone else. Huh. He's actually going pretty fast. He makes it about halfway there and then he begins to suddenly lose balance. My throat closes and all the air in my lungs is gone as I watch him fall. He catches himself by one hand. I'm stunned ready to scream but I can't get a sound out. The crowd gasps and worries as they watch him hang trying to get his other hand up. He manages to do so and he swings himself up. He's hanging with all fours now trying to pull himself up and over back onto the beam. He somehow pulls it off and the crowd cheers with relief and awe. He finishes crossing while I catch my breath in relief and watch as he climbs down.

"Dodge Mason!" Diggins yells. "Unbelievable! Un-friggin-believable! Dodge Mason at 55 seconds!" He screams into his megaphone. "Dodge is still in the race! Dodge is still in the game!" He reiterates. I try to get to him through the crowd and I see him jump off the ladder and set forth towards Ray.

"Wow, thought we almost lost you there," Ray says inauthentically. Dodge grabs him by the collar and pushes him up against his truck. Not a word being said. He ponders his next move as Ray watches him unafraid and laughing even. Dodge decides against taking any action, lets go of Ray, and turns around to walk away. "Not even a kiss goodnight?" Ray taunts. Dodge stops in his tracks, turns around, and immediately socks Ray in the face. He turns to leave once again but this time Ray jumps onto his back and begins throwing multiple punches to his side. At this point, the crowd has gathered around as this becomes a full-blown fight. Some boys try to step in to pull Dodge and Ray apart but all I can do is stand and watch as the scene unravels. Ray must've had something to do with Dodge falling. My thoughts are interrupted when we hear sirens wailing and the crowd is forced to scatter. Teens start fleeing into random directions as an attempt to escape the police. I get pushed around trying to find someone, really anyone. Suddenly, I bump into Heather and we grab each other trying to fight the crowd. I trip and fall hurting my ankle. I feel a pair of arms lift me up, and I am met with Dodge's eyes. Him and Heather help me through the crowd and through the woods until we are away from everyone.

"Ow... Ow... Ow..." I say with each step to be annoying. They set me down on a rock and Dodge sits across from me.

"Okay I'm gonna go call Bishop," she tells us and we nod in response. "I'll be right back," she says as she walks away. I look back at Dodge and we share a small smile.

"Can I see?" he asks reaching for my foot.

"Uh... you don't have to," I respond shyly.

"It's fine," he looks at me reassuringly. "You mind?" He asks while touching my leg to lift my foot up.

"No. No, g-go for it," I stammer.

"Okay," he starts while taking my shoe and sock off. "So, um, probably wanna ice this once you get a second, okay?"

"Okay, thank you doctor," I laugh. He tries bending my foot up and I wince.

"How's that?" He asks looking to me for a response.

"Mm, yeah, it hurts," I let out.

"Okay, can you hold this?" he asks for me to hold my leg up.

"Yes," I reply doing so.

"Great," he replies while taking his boot and long black sock off.

"Umm..." I let out a soft nervous chuckle watching him.

"Oh, don't worry. I've had my monthly shower," he winks while stretching his sock out.

"Oh, lucky me," I say sarcastically.

"Okay, let me know if this is too tight," he requests as he starts wrapping my ankle with his sock.

"And what does this do?" I ask. He looks up at me and smiles at my pestering.

"Hopefully just restricts your movement," he says finishing up.

"You study first aid?" I pester once again.

"Not really," he laughs.

"Cinderella," he teases putting my sock on for me.

"Thanks, Prince Charming," I laugh shyly. He then puts on my shoe and I admire him as he looks up at me every so often while doing so to make sure I'm okay. We end up staring at each other for a bit just basking in each other's eyes. I break the silence and ask what happened with him and Ray.

"Just um..." he begins. "Ray just being an asshole."

"Mm, of course," I reply. "What really happened?" I pry.

"Well, he uh... I think he shined a laser in my eyes while I was crossing," he admits.

"Makes sense," I reply as he gives me a questionable look. "Well it's obvious Ray is scared of you. That's the only reason he would pull a stunt like that. And now that you've pulled through something like that, I'm sure he's terrified," I gloat making him laugh. "You're not afraid," I state.

"Of what? The game?" he asks.

"Of anything," I admire.

"Everyone's afraid of something," he tells me.

"Oh yeah?"

"Oh yeah."

"Well what about you?"

"Hmm, can't tell you that," he smirks.

"Oh, it's that scary?" We laugh.

"What about you? What are you scared of?" He asks me. I look down and think for a bit. I look up at him and reply, "Losing the ones I love," I reply genuinely. Dodge looks at me, about to respond but Heather walks back over.

"Hey," she greets.

"Hey," Dodge responds.

"Um, we're all good, Bishop is gonna come back for me," she reassures.

"Okay sounds good," I nod. I look over at Dodge.

"Yeah, and I'm good to get disabled over here home," he teases. We wait for Bishop, say our goodbyes, and head home thankful we got past this challenge.

Dodge Mason // Mystery BoyWhere stories live. Discover now