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*knock knock*

I text Dodge the details of the next challenge and ask him to meet at my house a few hours before to talk game plans.

Dodge🤠: Heading over in a few.

Me: Sounds good :)

Dodge🤠: Should I bring any snacks or anything?

Me: Only if you're bringing cookie dough bites

Dodge🤠: On it ;)

I blush at my phone and await his arrival.

*knock knock* I open the door and am met with a very handsome boy holding up a box of cookie dough bites.

"Delivery for Delilah?" he smirks.

"Took you long enough," I joke letting him inside. I point over to the coach, "Dodge this is Kai, my brother, Kai, this is Dodge," I introduce.

"So this is the dude you've been dreaming about? Thin walls ya know. All night I'm just hearing 'Kiss me Dodge'" he jokes while making kissy faces. I groan and pick up a pillow and throw it at his face. "Hey!" he yells as we all laugh.

I bring Dodge into my room and close the door behind us. "Sorry about that," I apologize.

"It's no problem," he smiles sitting on the edge of my bed. "So is this the bed in which you dream about me?" he teases.

"You wish," I say laughing covering my face with my hands trying to hide my blush. "I hate you," I joke.

"That's too bad, Doll," he smirks.

"And why is that, Hot Stuff?"

"Cause I was hoping to take you on another date soon," he says sweetly.

"Well we gotta survive this next challenge first," I say getting back on track.

"Alright, hit me," he says focusing.

"Challenges usually fall under a couple different categories," I begin as I sit next to him opening the box of chocolate cookie dough for us to share. "We have labyrinths and wilderness drops, thefts and illegal entries, with all the gross stuff like snakes, rats, and spiders. Challenges of physical stamina under pain or stress. Heights, drop-offs—I'd bet anything tonight that the challenge will be a crossing. Points will be for speed," I assume.

"Isn't that how that girl from last year died?" he asked. I nod silently.

"Easy," he whispers.

The crowd of teens at the granary cheers as we watch Diggins prepare to give us his spiel. Dodge and I are standing together and we see Heather and Natalie just a few feet away. Diggins lifts up his megaphone and begins, "Alright, boys and girls, chicks and dicks. Ray," he says looking at him. "Welcome to challenge numero dos, Walk The Plank," he says in a pirate voice. The crowd claps and cheers as Summer points up to the beam we have to walk across. "And reminder, we have 23 players in the competition. All players receive 100 points for joining, except for Delilah Knightly and Dodge Mason who gets an extra 25," everyone cheers. "And Heather Nill, who gets an extra 50 points and immunity in a challenge of her choice." The crowd cheers even louder for her. "Helping me keep records, is the ravishing Summer Calvo," Diggins introduces as the crowd "ooh"s. "Tonight, points work by deduction. The slower you are, more points you lose. You got 90 seconds to cross before you are in the red and out of the game," he explains. "And now, in no particular order," Summer picks up a trophy and puts her hand in.

"Drumroll please," she requests and the crowd responds accordingly. She pulls out a slip of paper and Diggins announces, "Drew Santiago!" We cheer and watch as he walks to his challenge. I grab Dodge's hand and drag him over to Nat and Heather.

"Hey," I greet and they respond with a "hi" and a "hello." Heather is staring at something then she asks "Hey, since when is Bishop friends with Leela?" We look over at Leela laughing at something Bishop said.

"They probably know each other from Church. It's where people go to socialize," Nat starts.

"And judge each other," Heather finishes.

"Mmm, exactly, socialize," I joke. While Drew is climbing the ladder, Bishop comes back over to us.

"Nice of you to join us," Heather remarks as he gives us a hug. We watch as Drew reaches the top and is about to begin his cross.

"Don't break the plank buddy," Ray jokes getting a few laughs and some dirty looks. This Dick *eye roll*

Diggins calls out into his megaphone, "Drew, your timer starts in three, two, one,"

"Gooooo!" Summer yells as she starts the timer. The metal is creaking with every step and the crowd is on edge. He slowly makes his way and reaches the other side within the time frame needed to stay in the game. As soon as he grabs the bar on the other side he turns to the crowd and let's out a holler.

"Fuck you Ray! I didn't break the plank!" he exclaims joyously. The crowd cheers and laughs. The name calling and crossings go on for a bit, some people cross, some back out, and some don't make it in time. When it's Ray's turn he crosses in a whopping 17 seconds setting the new record to beat. He stays up there and then Heather's name is called up next.

"Wish me luck," she says trying to hide her nerves.

"You'll do great," I reassure.

"Just don't look down," Natalie adds.

"It's literally the only place to look," she exhales starting her walk to the plank.

"Wait wait," Bishop stops her and puts his hands on her shoulders. "Just be careful, okay?" She nods and walks to the challenge. We watch her climb the ladder and walk across the rusted metal. Natalie clings to Bishop burying her face into his shoulder. My grip tightens and I realize I was still holding Dodge's hand. He rubs my hand with his thumb as we watch Heather look down at us. Bishop starts getting nervous and just yells for her to keep going. We watch her fall to her knees causing a gasp to come from the crowd. She gets up and walks towards Ray who's still up there on the other side. Once she's close enough, he pulls her to him and they climb down together. She runs to us and we give her a big hug.

"You killed it!" Natalie beams.

"I almost puked," she says with relief.

"Delilah Knightly!" Summer calls out. We look over and realize it's my turn.

"Hey if I can do it, you can do it with your eyes closed," Heather winks at me. Natalie and Bishop tell me I'll do great and then I look at Dodge.

"Hey," he starts. "Don't die, we still gotta have our date," he smirks.

"You got it, partner," I say with my southern accent. I walk over to the ladder and climb up trying to keep my breathing in check to prevent myself from freaking out. Once I reach the top, Summer gives me a countdown and I take the first step, the creaking under my feet and the wind startles me at first but as I keep taking steps I get used to it. Before I know it i'm almost there. I reach my hand out for the end and make it across in about 30 seconds. I get down and run over to my friends who give me a big hug.

"See, I told you you'd do amazing," Heather brags as she puts her arm around me and onto my shoulder. Dodge grabs my hand and we look into each other's eyes smiling.

"Dodge Mason!"

Dodge Mason // Mystery BoyWhere stories live. Discover now