XXV: Holy Hell, it's Iron-Man (but not really)

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Terroriser jumped backwards and 'armed' himself. Immediately gunning down smaller beowovles from a distance.

As for the other threats, they were already taken care of with the upmost level of professionalism.

Wildcat dragged the screaming Delirious by the hood and swung his hammer with one hand right into the King Taijitus body with a loud smack. It's head swung around for a second, large fangs dripping with venom, a sight which made Delirious nearly through up. The Faunus dodged, ducking under it's tail. He threw delirious, who somehow screamed even louder, towards the snake beast. He instinctively threw his hands up. The shotgun he was holding firing into the beasts skin with a small explosion. It screamed in rage and swatted the duo away with another slap of it's tail.

A dot of orange caught his eye. Wildcat spun around to face one of the destroyed carts where a man was pulling himself out of the wreckage. Roman stood up and stretched, dusting off the black dirt from his white coat "This'll take weeks to get out..." he lamented to no one in particular. He looked around for a moment until he locked eyes with the pig Faunus....

Right before bowing and running like his life depended on it, which it probably did if the previous events were anything to go by. Wildcat sweat dropped at the sight of the ginger running "We should probably get on top of that." He muttered. A shape darted passed him towards the fleeing ginger. Delirious slid down the pile of rubble he had been standing on, immediately sprinting after Roman, not hearing the Faunus' cry of disapproval.

Blake's cat ears twitched beneath her bow, amber eyes following the teens movements like a laser. She noticed how concerned Wildcat looked, like he wanted to run after him but was pounced on by a beowolf which he promptly started beating to death. She didn't know what it was that made her follow Delirious, maybe this whole friendship thing with BBS was making more of a difference than she thought.

So off she went, running after the blue idiot who she swore was giggling while chasing Roman. Leave it to the guy in a Jason mask to run after a highly skilled criminal known for using ambush tactics combined with crushing force in a battlefield. Sliding under fallen telephone poles and walls was easy enough, the city seeming not to be as damaged as the rest.

Rubble and upturned pavement of what was a road stood in her path, the road upturning into a wall of concrete.

Blake looked around frantically. Had Delirious found Roman? Or was he in the jaws of a Beowolf (willingly or not she didn't know)?


Blake spun around in an instant. There! The unmistakable voice of Delirious doing some strange chant. But where the hell was he exactly? The destruction was still concealing his position.

Well.... She didn't have to wait too long

The world came to a startling halt when the blue form of Delirious crashed through a slab of concrete beside her and completely disappearing into a destroyed building.

Blake didn't know wether to run after the possible corpse or go after the one that threw him so far. She turned on her heel and jumped over the slab with the Delirious shaped hole in it with a her guns drawn. 'Oh well, he's got a hard head' was her reasoning.

The Faunus stood in a relatively undamaged sector, a clearing surrounded by smaller buildings for miles.  There was barley a word said before Roman nodded in approval to something she didn't see before it was too late and a fist came flying at her face "What the-.." Those were the last things Blake said before collapsing to the ground, out cold.

"Wow, those kids were persistent, any others?" Roman, wearing a rare smile, asked someone standing above the knocked out Faunus


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