XXVI: Aftermath

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"Well, this is the worst place I've ever been so I doubt I'll ever come back to this hellhole."

Terroriser sighed heavily and took a bite into a sandwich stuffed to the brim with every possible ingredient available, a feeling of calmness washing over him. If there was anything Terroriser was glad he hadn't lost with his arm and leg, it was his taste. If he'd lost his ability to taste then instead of sitting in a dorm room he'd be trying to replace the forests with parking lots like some Saturday morning cartoon villain.

His orange eye scanned the wasteland of a room, game consoles, dirty plates and questionable Amazon orders littered the floor and every possible crevice. He rolled his eyes at the sight. These guys had a strange ability to make every room with a bed look like a pigsty (Insert Wildcat joke).

"What?" Moo slid across the couch beside him, cold beer in hand "But we had fun right?" He beamed.

The look on Terroriser's face could kill "You bastards left me to walk around a place I didn't know, got me involved with terrorists all after Vanoss-" He said his name with a slight hint of restrained rage "Messed with me passport so I couldn't just get a normal fucking plane." The cyborg angrily ranted, not so fondly remembering being chased out of an airport and avoiding gunships.

In front of the fairly large TV, Delirious sat cross-legged, eyes glued firmly on the wacky antics of the silly cartoon sponge known as Bob. This is the highest quality media the Banana Bus members consume daily. The accusation broke him out of the cartoon-induced daze, turned and looked genuinely confused "What? No, he didn't, I thought your passport always looked like that?"

"You little rat, you helped him! Who else would draw me like a homer with a small dick?" Terrorised felt his teeth grind together at the teen's innocent act. But it would not convince him, for if he knew anything about the Banana Bus' resident psychopath, it was that anytime he sounded innocent: then he was lying... and most likely the cause of the closest fire. From behind the overcrowded couch, the sound of a fridge slamming shut resonated. Basically pulled his newly acquired drink from the magical food box "I forgot about that, what did they even do to your passport?" He rubbed his chin curiously.

Terroriser somehow frowned even harder. He shoved a small brown document forward. Instead of a photo of him, it was replaced by a crudely drawn stick figure/Homer Simpson with a red eye and not-so generous genitals. His details were edited to a similar degree of crudeness such as the date of birth now transformed into numbers for certain medicinal substances and sexual positions.

"You HAD to make it obvious didn't you?" Moo turned to Delirious with what looked like disappointment etched on his face.

It felt like mere seconds before Terrorisers hoped relaxation time was cut short, this time by the strange sight of an oddly bashful looking Moo "Hey Brian since you're here and all..." The way he shyly tapped his fingers together and refused to make eye contact was throwing off Terroriser's danger radar. Nonetheless, his eyebrows drew closer as his glare hardened.


Inside of one of Beacon's many long corridors, this one was devoid of all student life bearing two odd-looking individuals.

"Tyler I think you're taking this too seriously...."

Vanoss frowned, idly glancing out of a window overlooking a small courtyard with small groups of pupils standing around, most of them probably reminiscing about the day's events. He wasn't surprised, they did make it quite the spectacle, probably less than it would've been without their intervention. The faintest image of a smile appeared on his face. 'I guess I can consider that a good-ish deed.' He thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2022 ⏰

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