CHAPTER TEN: Kinda brawl

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It looked like the entire school was in the filled courtyard just outside of the cafeterias back entrance. "We gon' kick their ass guys!" Wildcat yelled confidently, now standing across from the other team.

Vanoss and Cardin glared at each other with pure hate, vanoss didn't like when people fucked with people he considered brothers so he was going to make them pay.

Team CRDL pulled out their weapons and grinned at BBS who looked on angrily "Hey what the fuck!?" Wildcat yelled.

Cardin only laughed and swung his executioner menacingly "What? I thought you said a fight?" He said smugly, which caused Nogla to start his 'insane-foaming-potato-filled-rage' (codenamed by Basically)

"Wait guys, guys come here" Basically whispered while bringing them into a group circle and started to have a quiet pep talk.

Moo stood at the side with a currently chained up Delirious watching the situation "Damm I did not think they'd go this far..." he said silently, just heard over Delirious's ramblings about 'slaughtering those who do the king wrong'. He didn't even notice when RWBY had walked over to the two and looked at him sympathetically "Hey Moo!" Ruby squealed in his ear causing him to jump back into the now creepily quiet Delirious.
"Oh...uh hey guys." He muttered sadly.

[{Back in the shitly made fighting ring}]

The four members of BBS were huddled in a group with Basically giving them a talk "So basically, if we beat these assholes without our weapons, then it'll just prove that they're dog shit." He said seriously "Ohhh just like you at car darts!" Nogla yelled cheerfully "FUCK YOU!"

"Are you douches nearly ready?" Cardin asked sarcastically, pointing his weapon at Vanoss who only glared back and smirked "Depends..." Cardin's weapon fell to his side in confusion as he watched the other man crack his knuckles "on wether..."

Vanoss slammed his foot into the ground and rushed forward. Cardin brought up his weapon just in time for Vanoss's fist to smash into its handle "-YOU'RE READY TO GET YOUR FACE CAVED IN!" He yelled and backed up to dodge a swing of the executioners sharp ends "BANANA BUS ATTACK!" And just like that, Wildcat, Nogla and Basically all sprinted forward at their opposite opponent.

"Wait a minute are they really fighting them without weapons?" Blake said in shock, she didn't like Cardin but she didn't think anyone would challenge him let alone without a way to defend yourself. Weiss only started tutting and said "Well it was a stupid thing for a bunch of dolts like them to do!" Moo only deflated and slowly patted Delirious like an animal.

He was their friend and even he would say that jumping into a fight with guys with sharp weapons while you didn't have any was a pretty dumb idea "I know...but we're a team"

Wildcat grabbed Sky's weapon and overpowered him, throwing him into the empty benches, knocking him out. He looked up to get a view on his team. Basically was just about side-stepping out of the way of Dove's short swords slashes and Nogla had just landed a solid kick to the face of Russel Thrush.

"Hey Moo, I've just noticed but why aren't they using their semblances? It would help them in a weaponless fight." Blake asked the man. Moo looked slightly panicked and his eyes darted around as he moved up the bench "Yeah why?" Ruby asked, appearing behind him " see where we come from you don't really fight with semblances...." he muttered, not wanting to tell them any more but of course they pried and pried "well where are you guys from?" Yang asked causing Moo to sink into the bench even more.

Wildcats eyes darted around in search of his leader and his opponent. It was harder now because a small dust cloud had built up where the two were previously seen fighting.

Yang was looking around for the two as well, curious. She was internally placing bets and all were stacked against Vanoss.

A large spear like weapon suddenly crashed beside Yang and Ruby, who jumped and fell off the bench. It was Cardin weapon.

Her lilac eyes focused on some bright colour in the centre of the put together fighting ring, in the middle of kicked up dust.

A flash of bright red slammed into the black shape which made it stumble back.

Vanoss reeled back his fist and slammed it into cardins armour chest plate, causing a small crack to form. Cardin grabbed the mans arm and flung him onto the ground. Cardin stomped his foot just beside Vanoss who quickly rolled away and kicked him in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him.

Cardin got back up and swung a fist which connected with Vanoss's side, making him yell out in pain. Vanoss punched Cardins hip causing him to fall to his knee then Vanoss kneed him in the face.

No one was really expecting this to be a total bloody slugfest but that's what they were getting.

"Is this not getting a bit out of hand?" Blake asked worriedly

Vanoss and Cardin clashed their fists and were now in an intense hand lock, both trying to overpower the other. "Wow look at you-" Vanoss started but was city of by a head but from the other man.

It was weird that despite the fight going on that no one there noticed the person walking towards the scuffle.

Vanoss looked up and grinned "-getting beat by guys without weapons" he finished. Cardin only looked back at him furiously and reeled back his fist and charged at the Vanoss who did the same but before their fists could meet...


A voice boomed from behind the crowd which instantly split to Male way for the figure. "I do hope you all have a good explanation for all this!" Miss.Goodwitch stood, holding her weapon menacingly

"Oh shit"
"Oh shit"
"Oh shit"
"Oh shit"
"Welp were fucked"

Sorry for the shortness and not-going-anywhere-ness but I've been trying to fit all this shit together best I can.

One more thing, I was thinking of adding in small chapters of just BBS fucking around in Beacon or Atlas happening during the story but not being as long as normal chapters. Would youse like that? I think I could do something with it. Cheers!

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