CHAPTER XV: The Hangover

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Vanoss has actually wanted to enjoy his Saturday, his favourite day of the week! But no. Here he was, stuck in a fucking office listening to three grown adults argue with each other.

"Ozpin they were here!" Ironwood yelled.

So many things he could be doing right now like...

"We are very much aware of that, thank you James." Goodwitch said frustrated, probably the stress.

-and ski-ball, he was good at ski-ball. He played it with a friend and Basically at a carnival a couple years ago, he was doing pretty good and was wining until that douchebag janitor came along and broke his high score...

"Fantastic, you're aware! Now are we going to do something about it or should we just stay the course and continue to ignore what's right in front of us?" Ironwood

...maybe play some hockey, he was getting a bit rusty. Eat a cheeseburger, pizza, breakfast would probably have helped today.

The loud ding of the elevator brought everyone's attention, except Vanoss, and the metal doors opened revealing the small form of Ruby, who slowly stepped into the large, tension filled room.

"Sorry it took so long. Someone accidentally hit all the buttons on the elevator on the way up here" She stopped and looked over the the red and white man before continuing "It wasn't me!" She said a little too quickly.

'I'd be sleeping if there wasn't vomit on my bed, courtesy of Tyler.' He thought to himself, still not paying any kind of attention to the three in front of him.

"Thank you two for coming, Ruby. Vanoss. How are you both feeling?" Ozpin asked while the other two adults stood there silently. "Okay, I guess. I'd feel better if my bad-guy-catching record wasn't O-for-three!" Ruby said trying to lift the tension a little which didn't work in the slightest.

After an awkward silence, Ozpin looked over to Vanoss and asked him the same "So, Vanoss. How have you been feeling after what happened last night?"

Vanoss's eye lids we're growing heavier and heavier as the time went on. The thought of stealing Delirious's bed didn't look so scummy now. "Umm...alright I guess, the party kinda drained me but I'm good." He said while rubbing his eyes and yawning. The headmaster raised his eyebrows slightly "You seem, if you pardon my wording, a bit dishevelled. Did you rest at all?"

True, Vanoss looked like absolute hell, his hair was even more messy than usual, same clothes from yesterday, bags under eyes and slightly hunched over. "Nah I *yawn* didn't sleep a bit."

Goodwitch narrowed her eyes at Vanoss "Why would that be? I was under the impression that you all went back to your dorm." She asked suspiciously, making Vanoss stare at her blankly "Well, there's a pile of vomit on my bed and you know..." he held up his right hand revealing a large, blood covered, glass shard that went right through his hand "..this." He finished.

Every person in the room looked at him with a mix of disturbance and pure curiousness.

"Umm..." Goodwitch tried find the exact words for this situation "You should...probably go to the nurse." She cast a glare at Ironwood "After this little meeting gets sorted out of course."

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