CHAPTER XIX: What Is Your Reason?

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Vanoss sighed irritably and put the scroll back up to his ear. "Jesus Christ Scott, I don't even know anymore. All the shit happening and we don't even know what it is." The other voice sounded just as exasperated and done as him "Yeah I get you man, don't know what to do either." Vanoss looked over to the large bests which were walking away from the destroyed city "I'm just glad that you got everyone off the streets. Thank you, seriously." 407 sounded more calmer now but still just as stressed "Yeah, Yeah it's okay man, just didn't want them to get into any trouble."

Vanoss chuckled at this "Oooohh! So now you care about trouble? That's not the Banana Bus way." He joked making the other person laugh. True, trouble and chaos should be written into the official BBS manual™. "Hahaha true.... but I think this is a lot bigger than we're thinking." Now back in serious mode, Vanoss pinched the bridge of his nose "Do we have any idea what it could be? The Lost MC? The Vagos and Ballas fighting? Or is it that fokin guy again?" He could hear his friend shake their head "Not a clue, no word from the others, all the activity that's gang related basically disappeared without a trace including all of them."

Vanoss thought more and more about it, the more taking his crew off the map would help them. It would be pretty suspicious if out of all gangs BBS was the only one still active and it would definitely get whoever was starting trouble to notice them, something that Vanoss didn't like the idea of.

"What about Anthony? Is he alright?" He asked concerned. 407 laughed softly "Yup the dude's good, still shit at golf, but he's healthy." Vanoss laughed at this, seeing fond memories of Banana bus's resident homeless man. The guy could literary afford three separate houses yet he chose to live on on the streets like a "Badass homeless lone warrior that he is" (Quoted by him)

He sighed in relief "Good, good good good. Are all the guys safe?" His friends voice got a lower pitch "Yeah I think, but some of the guys think they're being followed by some fuckboys." He heard them set down a glass in the background, having just finished a whiskey "Not confirmed but still..." vanoss cut them off and finished their sentence "'s good to be cautious." 407 laughed slightly and sounded happy "Oh? Now look who's going against the Banana Bus code!"

Vanoss suddenly remembered that he needed to go to see what Oobleck wanted to ask him. "Uhh..hey I gotta go, I'll get that video stuff set up later alright?" 407 sounded slightly surprised by his sudden change in tone "Oh!", Yeah Yeah I'll set it up on my end. You want everyone?" They asked making Vanoss stop to think for a second before answering "No, only anyone that isn't doing shit or wants to. Don't want to panic anybody." While talking he started walking up the cracked concrete stairs and to the rooftop. "Uhh..Yeah sure I get it. Be safe dude." Then 407 hung up abruptly, probably needing to do something important.



407 set the scroll back in their cyan blue pants pocket, a worried look plastered on their face. They walked out of a dark green storage room filled with cleaning supplies and a power breaker.

Their eyes snapped to the shirtless man in only his boxers, a panda hat and a long green and yellow apron standing over at the counter and staring at the pastries on a small tray, practically drooling at the sight of the food.

"ANTHONY!" The man jumped back revealing brown beard, hair and an 'oh shit' face while there was crumbs and other evidence of what he was doing "Uhh..O.oh hey..S..Scott!" He said nervously, hiding something in his hands behind him.

407's piercing green eyes dug into him as they stood with their arms crossed, looking and speaking like a disapproving parent "Anthony, what the hell are you doing?" They asked with a demanding tone. The man looked extremely nervous and started stuttering wildly.

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