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Beacon's large courtyard was filled huntsmen and huntresses in training, all just having a fun time. Not many students went outside during their free time but since it was the middle of summer the heat was unbearable inside the large hallways. It was about a week since the man known as vanoss fell from the sky, accidentally broke a beowolf's jaw and pointed a gun at RWBY. Weiss and Yang were still pissed off.

"But swear i won that fight!"

"No you didn't, he had a gun pointed at your head"

RWBY was sitting on a bench under a tree to avoid the blazing sunlight just shy of the Beacons main entrance. Blake was arguing with Weiss and Yang about if ether of them could've won against the man in the emerald forest, Blake saying that no one won and it ended in a draw while the other two were arguing that either Yang won or the man won. Ruby didn't care, she was disappointed that she didn't get to see the mans weapon and what it could turn into. Blake was getting tuned out from the increasing volume of the argument and was about to try and jump back in to play peace keeper before the two teammates started really fighting until she felt a slight tap on her shoulder.

She turned around expecting to see Ruby trying to get her attention with Zwei but was surprised to see a guy standing there in a orange and red tank top with a tropical tree design on the front wearing a sheepish expression "ummm..h..hi! you know were i c..can find..." he paused and looked at a his scroll " Ozpin?" Blake looked at the guy stunned 'How could someone in Beacon not know who Ozpin was?' the man smiled brightly at her but before she could his scroll vibrated and he looked at his scroll. His bright smile turned into a nervous grin "And a guy in a blue hoodie and hockey mask?"

Blake gathered herself and tried to not looked surprised "Ozpin should be in his office" she pointed up to the massive tower "Up there" she finished and looked back at him. The man looked up and ran his hand through his brown Mohawk "oh damn." he turned to her with a contagious, bright smile and outstretched his hand "i'm Moo, nice to meet you!" Blake smiled and shook his hand "I'm Blake. Are you new here?" Moo looked around him and scanned through the students, trying to see any faces he recognised "Well yeah I just got dropped of with my friends..., but i don't know where they can I hang around with you?"

The rest of RWBY stopped arguing and turned their attention towards Blake and the new visitor. Ruby ran over, leaving rose petals behind her, and stopped right in front Moo's face who went red and backed away "OMG BLAKE YOU MADE A NEW FRIEND!" Ruby squealed, dashing around the courtyard " names Mo-" he was cut off by Yang putting an arm around his shoulder and leaning on him."~hey there, the name's yang but you can call me whenever you want~" she purred in his ear which made him shudder and back up "W..w..what???" he said confused and red faced while Yang just laughed at him. Weiss walked up to beside Blake and held out her hand to introduce herself "Might you tell us your name?" she asked in a cold voice. "uhhh yeah my name's Mo-".


RWBY and their plus one quickly made their way inside, trying to avoid being trampled by the large crowds.
Soon they reached the dark room, only being illuminated by a single stage, which had their headmaster standing just of to the side. He walked up onto the platform and walking up to a microphone, immediately silencing everyone in the room...all except for the muffled voices from behind the stage.
"Students, if I may have your attention for a moment".
"StUdaNts If I MaY hAvE YoUR AtTeNtioN"
"Shut up pig!"
The headmaster sighed, acting like he didn't hear the mocking impression of him. "I apologise for the suddenness of this gathering so I'll keep it brief." He took a sip of his coffee (does he even use different mugs?)
"At Beacon academy, we all must pride ourselves on our achievements and doing what we think is right."
Everyone heard the shuffling of people from behind the stage "Oh crap I knew I had to be somewhere!" Blake heard Moo whisper and suddenly sprint off into the dark shadows of the auditorium. "I am aware that some of you have come here to change yourselves, some have not come from the brightest of paths and seek change..."
he motioned behind him
"...and to show that, I have a group of people who are here to do just that. Change"
Right when he had finished, five dark silhouettes moved from behind him and stood at attention. They moved past him and into the light, revealing the shadowed figures.

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